I Hate Beer!

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Pumpy's Brewery.
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Christmas party on Sydney habour cruise great evening ,rained heavily , even enjoyed the scantily clad Brazilian dancers with little room to move ,done an excellent job :D , the lightning was spectacular mixed in with the Harbour bridge . :unsure:

However the bar was a bit limited and a beer was'Carlton Cold' :( which I must add at one time I would quite enjoy .

The more I drink home brewed beer the less I like the commercial stuff , I was struggling to swallow it .

Got home at 1.30 and rushed out to my kegs ;) to pour myself a glass to remind myself what beer should taste like before going to bed .

sounds like my "dry" xmas show
sh!t when you turn into a beer snob eh?
Yup Tangent your right a "Beer snob" there is no other way to go !

pumpy said:
even enjoyed the scantily clad Brazilian dancers with little room to move ,done an excellent job ......

Got home at 1.30 and rushed out to my kegs to pour myself a glass to remind myself what beer should taste like before going to bed .

Thank God for the lightning & Brazilian dancers Pumpy!!!!

Have done your 1.30am thing myself on many occasions.

God Bless Home Brewing & Brazilian Dancers I say!!! ;) ;)
Seem's like the norm now Pumpy doesn't it? Fine, call us beer snobs but having to consume the usual crap on offer the visual compensation I think would have more than made up for it.

yeah, my show just had old hags "dancing".
Sparky ,

have to get my shot of vitamin B1 that stops one getting a head ache in the morning as the commercial beer has it all filtered out .

Your right Duff those Brazilian dancers are able to wobble parts of there anatomy in time with the hot music . :blink:

Anything was good to cool me down and the alchohol thinned the blood in order that it flowed though the Pump sufficciently without any problems

Pumpy, LOL :D

I'm sure the commercial beers have headaches added to the brew so that when your head's a thumpin' the next morn, you remember what brand you were drinkin'

This is a great thread as I thought I was on my own, comin' home & heading for the "Sparkerator" where the real beer is served. :beer:
Sparky , I think some misguided souls gague the quality of their night out by the size of thier headache in the morning .

Perhaps the 'headache factor' could be measured by stars on the beer bottle lable like the refrigerators .

2 stars for a fuzzy head
3 stars for a headache
4 stars for a blinding headache
5 stars for a toilet wipeout
6 stars for " who is this person sleeping next to me"

:D :D Brilliant Pumpy!!!

6 Stars for...."who is this person sleeping next to me"

maybe 7 Stars for..... "Oh well, one more, the lads will never know"
Pumpy said:
However the bar was a bit limited and a beer was'Carlton Cold' :( which I must add at one time I would quite enjoy .

I'm nearly always disappointed when I go to out to dinner these days.
It always seems to be the same old stuff. Cascade, Hahn, VB, Carlton Draught and so on. The last place I went to also had an Italian beer for $6 a stubbie but I wasn't going to risk it. I took the Carlton Draught, it had been ages since I've had one, and regretted it from the first sip. Shocking stuff.
I'd do so much better if I owned a restaurant :)
The other night running short of HB (just can't make it as fast as I drink it) opened one of what used to be my fav megaswills. Used my U Beaut Pils glass, it poured beautifully, looked great with nice colour and great creamy head that clung to the glass. BUT NOW IT TASTES LIKE SHITE!

What is it with this HB stuff, once it was shite. Once I could hardly wait to get to the club for a draught, now I don't enjoy the beer at all. Would invite the mates home instead of the club each week, but have enough trouble managing supply/demand for me.
Beer Snob
This post is so good i had to put my name on it as well

as far a s head aches go well commercial crap is good for it as always its funny though i can remember when i was younger drinking this stuff and never got head aches from it at all (hang overs yes) even before i was a HB'r it seems that over a short period beer in commercial breweries changed the taste was the same the fizz was the same but two or three pots and i had a thumper of a head ache ?
what happened did they change the process ? i dont realy know but i can say this it was almost overnight one month the beer you could swill a few pints and be ok but then a few months on a few pots and bam a nasty head ache .
I dont put it down to my age or HBing as i was 22 when it happened and i wasnt even home brewing beer from the giants just changed .this is why i started to play with coopers kits.
what have they done to the beer ? have they added nasty chemicals to the process? did they change there cleaning fluids i dont realy know but something happened .to commercial brews . :(
as any one would sureley agree in the early seventies they were alright ? <_<

i guess i am just a beer snob as well now :beer:

I know the feeling. Work Xmas part last week. Only beer available - Tooheys New. I had to have a beer when I got home to get the taste of the beer out of my mouth. :beerbang:

To think I used to drink that stuff.

Yes i have been ask to organize the beer for our Christmas party next week and i was excited, i could go out and try to get some nice beer and educate these people however was told Crown lager and Fosters light only.

Shame on them

I bet i come back with something for the poor makeshift old barman (ME) to enjoy.

I never touch the beer at our Xmas function. For all the reasons described but also because half of it's left over from last year's turn. Much better to have a nice glass of red.
Imagine the huge outcry from wine drinkers if all you could get when you went out to functions etc was some $5 a bottle of Sparkling.... come to think of it that would be a great day. "Can I see the wine list please?"
Wine list comes out with only 2 crappy wines and 40 great beers on it!.

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