I got an stc-1000

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Rubix said:
Yep, totally understand your excitement mate. My new controller (only built it a week ago) is currently taking care of an American IPA.
Dang! Sweet build. Where'd you source your bits Rubix?
I use the same method and have a fridge thermometer hanging from the shelf as a sanity check.
Pretty sure your probe would be more accurate than the strip thermometer.

If you use a digital stick thermometer for brewing, you could always take a sample from the fermenter tap and check the beer temp...just to see where it's at.
Milk-lizard84 said:
I too have joined the list of excited people after finally being able to switch on my new temp controller over the weekend.
Just got a question just regarding the temp sensor.
With my sensor I just taped it to the side of my fermenter and insulated it with an old stubby holder. Has anyone else used this method?
Also I have noticed a difference between the sensor ready on the unit and the stuck on temp strip. Roughly about 2 degrees difference.
Should I try and calibrate the sensor?
I have a piece of polystyrene with the probe pressed into it, velcro strapped to the fermenter so that the probe touches the side. I'd be more inclined to trust the value on the temp probe than the strip jobby. You can always double-check by dropping the probe into a glass of icey water.
Built mine day before yesterday too. I just used the jaycar box and instructions from the build thread.
jakethesnake559 said:
I use the same method and have a fridge thermometer hanging from the shelf as a sanity check.
Pretty sure your probe would be more accurate than the strip thermometer.

If you use a digital stick thermometer for brewing, you could always take a sample from the fermenter tap and check the beer temp...just to see where it's at.

Cosmic Bertie said:
I have a piece of polystyrene with the probe pressed into it, velcro strapped to the fermenter so that the probe touches the side. I'd be more inclined to trust the value on the temp probe than the strip jobby. You can always double-check by dropping the probe into a glass of icey water.
Add me to the stubby holder over the probe brigade. The velcro is a good idea. I used electrical tape for a long while- it sucks.

I briefly flirted with the idea of immersing the probe in a king brown full of water because one of my units has a short lead and I got the feeling that there were some unnecessary fluctuations there (no hard science on that though). I guess the heat generated by the ferment creates a lag in the readings even though the bottle was pressed against the side of the fermenter.

I currently use a fistful of polyester insulation and simply jam the probe and wool into a fridge wall / fermenter sandwich. Obviously the sensor is touching the fermenter.
Just kegged the second of two brews in which I had an STC probe and a known calibrated digi-thermometer probe suspended in the wort as well as my usual neoprene covered STC probe fixed to the outside wall of the fermenter along with the strip thermometer that came with the fermenter many moons ago.
In both brews, all 4 were within .3 degrees Celsius of each other!
NewtownClown said:
Just kegged the second of two brews in which I had an STC probe and a known calibrated digi-thermometer probe suspended in the wort as well as my usual neoprene covered STC probe fixed to the outside wall of the fermenter along with the strip thermometer that came with the fermenter many moons ago.
In both brews, all 4 were within .3 degrees Celsius of each other!
Now that is useful information. Good one NC.

Interestingly I read the other day that someone put their probe (for a hame-made kegerator) in a bottle filled with that blue snot than comes out of the medical cold packs. the idea is that the blue **** buffers the temp changes more than water thus imitating the larger volume of a keg.

NewtonClown's science is rough enough for me. I like to nestle the probe in the ridge at the bottom of many fermenters just to make sure it is in firm contact with the fermenter wall / beer. Maybe some day they will mould in a thermowell for us.
Mardoo said:
Dang! Sweet build. Where'd you source your bits Rubix?

Hey Mardoo,

I picked up the controller from eBay and the rest was from Jaycar. Here's all the part #'s i used.

Jiffy Box - CAT. NO. HB5912
Female Sockets - CAT. NO. PS4094
Mains power lead - CAT. NO. PS4110
Cable Glands - CAT. NO. HP0720

I also used 10amp terminal and wiring inside the box that I already had lying around.

As for my 2c on the probe debate. I personally prefer the beer belly thermowell. Gives me the most accurate reading from the centre of the fermenter.
