Finally had a chance to test out my new setup. It is now a BIAB with RIMS single vessel system although now the BIAB bag is not required. I did use it for the last brew as it still amkes it easier to handle the spent grain.
Brewed an AIPA with 7.5kg grain bill and mash temp held spot on with only 0.1 degree deviation. With the full volume mash I was able to run almost full flow through the march pump and rims.
Points of note:
Beautiful clear wort into kettle. I realise this doesnt nessecerely improve the beer but it was one of my aims with the new setup.
Easily maintained mash temp
Alot less trub in the kettle. Was worried about this going through the plate chiller as I didn't get a good whirlpool going. I guess alot of stuff gets gaught up in the grain bed. Only had 2L kettle trub after the boil of which I used 1.5L in a starter for the next brew.
Absolutly no scorching of the RIMS element
More toys to play with
Lower efficiency. Down to 74% instead of my usual 79%. Could be because of the high gravity mash as well 1.065 predicted. Only managed 1.060. This could also have been because the mash was overflowing the inner pot for the first half hour without me noticing. I raised the inner slightly to prevent this which ensured all recirc liquor went bach through the grain bed and not over the side. Will know to watch for this next time.
Lots more cleaning
Overall I think I have added a bit more time to brew day. Will ahve to wait and see if the brews benefit. I think the plate chiller will help for my hoppy brews but I think I will still no chill when it is convenient. It was harder trying to sync having yeast starters ready for the end of brew day. Better planning will help this.
Improvments planned:
Really need to make a brew stand
A high volume wort return setup
Higher responce PT100 probe
Perhaps a second pump to ged a really good whirl pool going