How to win an argument with a woman

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Sorry Stu I don't think anyone can fill in those blanks for you.
And if they can then you owe them a beer :beerbang:
The only known way to is to lose the argument.

That way she wins, which means you win as well.

Hmm, well either way you lose, but the damage is lessened if you let her win.
Have a [sort of] photographic memory. Most things are locked away perfectly, other things not so much (like names - go figure). Have partial control over what is remembered photographically, mainly based on how much importance I place on the data.

When I was first married, the wife and I would get into a lot of completely pointless arguments based almost entirely on differences of opinion regarding what happened on this day or to that get the point. Finally realized that it wasn't worth the argument and just started saying "I don't know" or "I don't remember" to avoid the fight.

That worked well, then she started in with "You're getting forgetful." Heard that probably a dozen times before I calmly explained that I actually did remember, it's just that I chose not to start a fight. And then proceeded to, in great detail, explain the circumstances of the last half dozen times she said "You're getting forgetful", what she said, and what actually occurred, with dates, times, places, individuals, sums, etc.

Haven't heard "You're getting forgetful" in about a decade now.
newguy said:
Have a [sort of] photographic memory. Most things are locked away perfectly, other things not so much (like names - go figure). Have partial control over what is remembered photographically, mainly based on how much importance I place on the data.
Weird. Describes my memory to a "T". I wonder if the disability to remember names is often coupled with the somewhat-photographic memory.
I've been bad with names my entire life. Always thought a cousin was named Ian. Mentioned him in front of my mom and she asked who I was talking about, so I said Uncle Victor's son. She got very annoyed and told me his name was Ivan. She also threw in "what the hell is the matter with you?"

I was close. ;)
see you are listing up because your brain was built logically, then you will never win an argument against women because you argue to "make sense"

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