How To 'spruce' Up Beer

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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I, like many, love the piney aroma that simcoe hops have. However I don't want to stop there to get that woodsy character in my beer. I have heard of using spruce-tips in beer for both flavour and aroma. I would like to try this out in one of my brews.

Fist off, I am confused as to what "spruce-tips" mean. Are they the tips of spruce/pine needles, or are they the buds that form at the ends of twigs at the begining of spring? ...And how does one go about using them? Also I'd be very thankful if anyone has any recipes.

Hi Norseman,

Using spruce seems to be an American addition to brewing. Have seen quite a few American references to it. AHB is an Australian resource and spruce is not part of our brewing heritage, although we do have some native pines.

Try a search of American resources such as HBD and the Brewboard.

Here is a starting point, BYO recipe.

In this recipe they are adding spruce tips to the boil, similar to a hops addition. Other resources have suggested sparging through a false bottom made of spruce tips.
Tried Juniper berries late in the boil?
Some info in the "what are you brewing" topic

Asher for now

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