How To Make Strong Beer K&k Style...

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Not much point rehydrating that yeast, even pitching only one sachet it goes positively berserk in high gravity wort!


For high gravity beers two good rules. If they've been mentioned elsewhere, my apologies, but they're worth re-emphasising.

1. Pitch more yeast. The accepted pitching rate (for ales) of 0.5g/l applies to an OG of around 1048. If you're OG is 1.5 times that then pitch 1.5 times as much yeast.

2. Start the ferment cool. The extra yeast and the extra fermentables will mean an almighty kick-off to the ferment which will lift the temperature naturally. If you let it get too warm too early you will have a fusel factory in your fermenter.


Lucky you guys aren't putting this up on the wiki! Should you use 1 sachet dry or 1.5+ sachets rehydrated? Or should I listen to RobboMC's 2 sachet theory? I'm confused. This could lead to who knows what all this differing of opinion.
Voosher's comments seem more measured than my off the cuff " 2 sachets" comment. Voosher makes the good point that the amount of yeast should reflect the amount of fermentables. I'm just lazy and if I feel I need more than one sachet I just chuck in another one.
Hi all im wanting to make a very strong beer,how do i do this,i want me and the boys to have a blinder on it
and get stupid any tips?

Possibly a bit late for you but I made the following brew using a recipe from Doc. Do a search for "Crippler" on this website. Anywho, I dropped a bottle of this off to Col at BYOAH today so I'm expecting a good critique after Christmas (that being, good and thorough, not all smiles and pats on the back ;-).

Muntons Nut Brown Ale kit
Black Fern unhopped Wheat Malt 500g
Coopers Amber Malt 500gr
LDME 1kg
Morgans Unhopped Extra Pale Malt Extract 1.5kg
Belgian Candy Sugar 500gr (yup, total 4kg fermentables :)
10gr German Hershbrucker pellets
10gr Styrian 2005 pellets
Water to make up 23L.

22g T-58 Yeast

SG 1074
FG 1018

Racked to secondary after 2 weeks, bottled two weeks after that. Bulk primed with 135g of sugar for the 21L brew. Interested to give it a whirl when it is ready. Guesstimated to be about 9- 9.5%. :blink:


I just had a can of Skol Super which is an English lager at 9%. It was AWESOME!!! Anyone ever tried it? Better yet, has anyone replicated it?

Uncle Aurthers falling over water is good stuff. you can easily play around with the ingrediants to get variations on flavour. Holy smoke stout is also very good. not quite as strong but still comes in at approx 7%. you can easilly boost it up by adding another 500g of malt. throw in 250ml corn syrup for body if your keen.

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