Can anyone tell me typically how much dry malt extract (equivalent) I would get from mashing (steeping) 300g of crystal malt grain?
Are we talking 30% i.e. ~100g ?
Also, is this ratio the same when you do a proper mash when brewing using the all grain method?
My BeerSmith tells me that JW Crystal has a yield-potetial of 1.034 and Dry Yeild Fine Grain of 74.4%
What this means is that if you were to add 300g of JW Crystal to 1L water (at 100% efficiency) you'd get an OG of 1.086, however typical mash-efficiencies in the range of 70-80% are more common meaning you'd get about 1.064.
My BeerSmith suggests that for LDME the yield-potetial is 1.038 and Dry Yeild Fine Grain is 81.70%
Which means that 300g LDME in 1L of water gives an OG of 1.112.
Hence, at 100% efficiency you'd need 420g of crystal to get the same OG as 300g of LDME.
Hopefully that gives you some ball-park figures to work with.
However, all this depends on the exact grains and exact LDME used, for example it's generally accepted that 100g of LDME in 1L of water should equate to a gravity of 1.040 which means that 300g should be 1.120.
And other examples of crystal malt specs include:
Carapils (Weyermann) has a yield-potetial of 1.036 and Dry Yeild Fine Grain of 78.00%
Caraaroma (Wyermann) has a yield-potetial of 1.035 and Dry Yeild Fine Grain of 75.00%
(It's almost 6am and I had to use more than my fingers to count with, so please excuse any mistakes or errors)