How Much Do You Spend On Ingredients?

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On the back bloody porch!
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Just wondering how much you spend on brew ingredients and related equipment a month? I do a minimum of 4 brews a month and at a guess probably spend around $150.00 a month. This includes caps, malt for starters, spare dry yeast etc etc.

P.S. Ross feel free not to answer, you might give yourself a heart attack once you work out how much those 12 brews in Jan cost :p
I am only trying to brew three-four months a year then relax and enjoy it.

Am a kit and bits man. I go through a wholesaler so get the premo kits cheap.

2 X KITS - $20
2 X HOP BAGS - $4
CAPS ECT - $3-4

$41 A WEEK $164 A MONTH, $656 A YEAR



God bless HB :)
$1.80 a KG (averaged over cheap base and more expensive imported) for malted grain x 4.5KG = $8.10
60gms hops in bulk from NZ ~$1.00
LPG ~ $5
Yeast from Coopers Pale ~ free if you already drink it.

23L real beer for $14.10 or under a tenner without the gas
:D :lol:
Total cost of a brew day is typically from $20 to $25 dollars a batch.

So approx $160 a month - This doesnt account for toys & kegging costs though, which blow the budget a fair bit higher...

cheers Ross...
Costs me around $15 for grain, hops and gas per brew. 2 brews a month

Haven't bought yeats for around 4 months now (liquid)

$30 a month for 2 kegs.
6kg of grain @ $2.50 (doesn't matter what type) = $15

150 - 200g of hops = $5 (thank god for the hop buy)

yeast = $2

plus LPG, co2 and hundreds of hours thinking about brewing :p
5 kilo of grain= $6 thanks to bulk buy
100g hops = $1.30 thanks to bulk buy
gas = $5 at a guess
Liquid yeast = $2 max per brew after culturing and splitting
Total = $14.30 x 4 brews a month = $57.20 less than 2 cases of beer

Sure is better than buying it.

Edit: forgot to calculate in the $100s of dollars spent on equipement and books :blink:
I don't add mine up. :lol:

My wife could find this post and duly kill me. :ph34r:

Warren -
10-15$ for the can of brew
dextrose .. get through work
malt....get through work
yeast comes with the can

prob do 4-6 batches a month.... so i build up stock to begin with.. i just started..

regs john
Usually costs me between $10-12 and $20 depending on what malts I use.
Once I get a mill and crack my own it will be even less.

AndrewQLD said:
Sure is better than buying it.

And tastes just as good if not better. :beerbang:

Jye said:
6kg of grain @ $2.50 (doesn't matter what type) = $15

150 - 200g of hops = $5 (thank god for the hop buy)

yeast = $2

plus LPG, co2 and hundreds of hours thinking about brewing :p
Yep <_< this just about sums it up for me :) about the same
Can't use the 50L fermenter right now (space & heat issues), so currently spending about $40 per week & 1/2 using two smaller ones.

That's 44L of beer per $40...that's just under 91c per litre of beer...could be cheaper, but it's good enough for me :chug:

I look at it this way, night at the club 2 - 3 hr session $30 - $40. Each brew from $22 for AG to $40 for top end kits and bits. Get two weeks drinking a few each evening from a brew. 2 hrs or 2 weeks! That's justification enough for me. As far as the brewing equipment, well I would spend about the same to equip myself for any hobby.
warrenlw63 said:
I don't add mine up. :lol:

My wife could find this post and duly kill me. :ph34r:

Warren -

Me too, I refuse to answer cos I believe these posts may be held as blackmail aganst us and released to our loved ones at a later date :ph34r: .

"But dear, it is still a lot less than Pedro has been spending on his beer." ;)

awrabest, stu
Nicely put Screwtop!

Reason I asked was Ive got the prices for the ingredients for my first partial and it came to about $43.00 and then the next brew after that works out to be about $20 (tin of extract being the largest portion of this) because youve got half the ingredients left over from the first purchase. Bargain! Gotta love it hey :beer:

wee stu said:
warrenlw63 said:
I don't add mine up. :lol:

My wife could find this post and duly kill me.

Warren -

Me too, I refuse to answer cos I believe these posts may be held as blackmail aganst us and released to our loved ones at a later date :ph34r: .

"But dear, it is still a lot less than Pedro has been spending on his beer."

awrabest, stu

Bad luck for any bloke/blokette in this situation. :p

Mrs johnno encourages me to spend what I want. Not that i do that anyway as finances dont really allow it.

If anything I'm the spendthrift in the family.

Moneys pretty tight round here at the moment and I have just forked out for an Ag set up late last year which raised a few eye brows.

My wife is very supportive, but realistically I'm on a rationed supply.

She constantly informs though that "there's plenty of money to be made down the docks if your that desperate"! :huh: :eek: :unsure:

Cheers BB
I dunno how the hell I am doing it for so much! :blink: . I use Maris Otter base malt, at about $81 a bag, so thats about $3.25/kg, use about 4.5-5kg of that, .5-1kg specialty malts at about $4 a kg, so that is about $18 on malts, maybe about $10 or so on hops, approx $3 on DME for starters and about $5-7 on LPG. An IPA will use closer to $22 on malt and $20 on hops, so maybe I need to start bulk buying rather than getting it on a need to buy basis! So, anywhere from $30 to $50 per batch. A bit more than the average Joe, but I am still pretty happy with that. Oh, and I brew twice a month.
All the best
PS $1.30 for 100g hops :super: , thats some pretty serious savings, no wonder you bulk buy!
SWMBO was with me in bunnings while i grabbed the 15m of annealed copper tubing today for my weekend project.
"It's for beer." isn't a very good reason anymore <_< but i backed it up with "or I could go back to buying 1&1/2 cartons of Pale a week at ~$35-$40 each?" :lol:
johnno said:
wee stu said:
I refuse to answer cos I believe these posts may be held as blackmail aganst us and released to our loved ones at a later date :ph34r: .

"But dear, it is still a lot less than Pedro has been spending on his beer."

awrabest, stu

Bad luck for any bloke/blokette in this situation. :p


Luckily I am only joking. When I found a new 30L urn for under $200 bucks, it was me arguing for second hand "bargains".
Sadly. my wife won the day, and now my 30L HLT is shiny bright, gleaming and new :rolleyes:

She is beginning to get suspicious about all the books invading "her" study space though. :

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