I feel that this is not an entirely apples and apples thread.
Fresh Wort (kits?) from the growing number of commercial breweries that supply them, do not (as Gerard pointed out) accumulate dust in the LHBS. Fresh Wort (kits?) are produced in commercial breweries that survive and flourish by making good quality beer, its not so much about the recipe but the process. Over 12 months ago I gave a (slack) friend of mine a cube of NNL (it could as easily have been NHD or ESB or G&G) wort, he (slacker) finally passed it on to his mate last month who is gobsmacked at how good the beer is. I have not, by the way tasted it, but I have tasted other beers from these (kits?) and have to say with decent yeast, fermentation temp etc they are very good, so good indeed that even a beer-rat like me would heartily recommend them to anyone who wants a simple and effective and cheap way to make great quality beer, out the cube, into the fermentor, a shot decent yeast....mmmm.
In the shed...well thats where the apples may become pears.