VERY dependant on your climate. In the Highlands of NSW I wont see one til October. Then its all over for me in February. Some of the plants in Qld will be shooting now. I'm not sure how well they do, as its daylight hours, that gets them going, hence victoria and Tasmania are the main growing areas.
Mine (I grow 3 varieties, Cascade, Chinook and - I cant remember now, I have a hangover, but its a traditional lager hop) all sprouted in their first year, in October. I planted in September, so theyre strong and vigerous growers. I moved them once and they didnt do well in the new position. They were in front of massive leylandii trees. Even though they faced north with all day sun and they came on strong at the right time of year, they just wouldnt flower. It was like the leylandiis were stealing all the goodness. I cared for them properly. Just nothing. Moved them again and no worries, they flowered. Hardy things.