I wrote this email to someone a few months ago so might as well throw it into the ring. This gives you something to do while brewing in case you arent drinking. Only has 9 steps though
Creating A Mini-Starter including Rehydration of Yeast
You Will Need
1 x Sachets of Yeast
1 x Coffee Mug
1 x 250ml Pyrex Jug
1 x 500ml Pyrex Jug
1 x 750ml Bottle with Lid or larger (e.g. soft drink bottle)
1. Prior to Mash In: bring a half kettle of water to the boil. Leave to cool.
2. Duriing Mash In: Ensure jugs, mug and bottle are clean and then sprayed with no-rinse sterilizer. Cover them with plastic.
3. At Boil Start: By this stage the boiled water should have cooled 25-30 degrees. Until you can judge this by touch, use a clean thermometer that has been sprayed with no-rinse sanitizer. If the temperature falls within the 22-32 degree range then pour 110ml into the 500ml jug. Sprinkle the 11g sachet of yeast onto the top of the water. Do not stir. Cover with fresh plastic and let it sit.
4. 5 Minutes After Start of Boil: Regardless of whether you have added your boiling hops or not, remove a mugful of wort from the kettle. Pour 250mls into the 250ml jug to half fill it. Cover with plastic and place in a sink of 25 degree tap water.
5. 20 Minutes After Start of Boil: By this stage hopefully your yeast will have formed a milky solution with a creamy head. Often it wont. Dont worry, just continue as follows. Remove the 250ml jug of wort from the sink. As you did in Step 3 above, ensure the wort is in the 22-32 degree temperature range. Add 40mls of wort to the rehydrated yeast in the 500ml jug.
6. 30 Minutes After Start of Boil: Add another 80mls of wort to the 500ml jug.
7. 40 Minutes After Start of Boil: Add remaining wort to 500ml jug.
8. 60 Minutes After Start of Boil: Pour the entire contents of the 500ml jug into your bottle. Screw on lid and shake. Release pressure and repeat occasionally until wort has chilled.
9. Chill End: Pour bottle contents into bottom of fermenter and syphon in wort. Or vice-versa! (Who knows)
P.S. Thanks Screwtop for the bottle shaking idea. The above seems to get things happening very quickly.