How High-tech Is Your Brewery?

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great pics, amazing setup. & u have a brew tent ! hope it wont catch on fire !
did u write the software ? the ss pot on the left is the mash tun, so what you boil into if
i assume the right is the hlt ?

is that electrical sparker / transformer the equiv of a peizo spark lighter ? is that std in europe ?


edit - more q's
hope it wont catch on fire !
dont worry, around the burners Ive mounted a sheet metal like a chimney to improve the efficiency of the burners, not showed on the pics

did u write the software ?
No, another German homebrewer has written the software, he soon will translate it in english, so everyone who is interested in can get it for free.

the German version you may get already from my server, just to play around if you like.
There is nothing to install, just start the Brauanlage_35.exe:

All what you need to use this programm is a Dallas 18S20 sensor for measuring the temp:

and a relais-card like that:;rd=1&rd=1

thats all.

the ss pot on the left is the mash tun, so what you boil into if
i assume the right is the hlt ?

at left is the mash tun and lautering tun all in one and at right is the HLT.

is that electrical sparker / transformer the equiv of a peizo spark lighter ? is that std in europe ?
as long as the transformer gets electricity from the ignition controller, it produces spark light with its high voltage of 16KV.

What the ignition controller is doing: first starts the transformer, then opens the gas valve. The ionisation elektrodes tells to the controller if the flame is on; if not, the controller stops the gas valve and start from begin. If the controller doesnt succeed to start a flame within 10sec., the controller switches totally off and shows an error.

I forgot to mention, all wirings around the burners are silicon insulated because of the heat

dont worry, around the burners Ive mounted a sheet metal like a chimney to improve the efficiency of the burners, not showed on the pics

No, another German homebrewer has written the software, he soon will translate it in english, so everyone who is interested in can get it for free.

the German version you may get already from my server, just to play around if you like.
There is nothing to install, just start the Brauanlage_35.exe:

All what you need to use this programm is a Dallas 18S20 sensor for measuring the temp:

and a relais-card like that:;rd=1&rd=1

thats all.

at left is the mash tun and lautering tun all in one and at right is the HLT.

as long as the transformer gets electricity from the ignition controller, it produces spark light with its high voltage of 16KV.

What the ignition controller is doing: first starts the transformer, then opens the gas valve. The ionisation elektrodes tells to the controller if the flame is on; if not, the controller stops the gas valve and start from begin. If the controller doesnt succeed to start a flame within 10sec., the controller switches totally off and shows an error.

I forgot to mention, all wirings around the burners are silicon insulated because of the heat


Cool :super:
And the title goes to Germany :(

Looks awesome Zwickel!
Computerized Bling.
That C.A.B.S is the go Zwickel just like the big boys.
(insert envy face here)
Here I was thinking I was getting all high tec with the HERMS bit's Dave got me and a mashmaster temp controller....

- Luke
Mash and Sparge water heated on stove

25 Lt Pail type bucket for mash tun on a outside table

Converted 50L SS Keg for boiler

4 ring burner

Fermenter for No Chill

All gravity feed from a table ---> to my decking ---> onto the ground.

Zwickel, Looks great.

Off-topic I know :rolleyes: but i spoke to a guy from Germany yesterday. He said it is illegal to make your own beer in Germany and you need a licence. Is this true?


Remember 20 litres of water weighs 20kg. 20 litres of wort weighs a bit more. Wort movement usually does not really comply with the "proper" way to lift.

Guest Lurker (as the safety officer here) should probably comment on this 8)



Yes, manually lifting wort is very poor practice, no good for your back. So is using a pump, as the connection could break and spray you with hot fluid. The only safe way to lift a 15 kg kettle filled with 40 kg of wort is to grow a tree above your brewery. How much safer does this look? This is the highest tech part of my brewery.

Hey Zwickel - this is supposed to be a low tech brewery thread!

Mash and Sparge water heated on stove

25 Lt Pail type bucket for mash tun on a outside table

Converted 50L SS Keg for boiler

4 ring burner

Fermenter for No Chill

All gravity feed from a table ---> to my decking ---> onto the ground.

Sounds exactly like mine except for the mash tun. I no-chill in fermenters as well.
[Jaw drops to floor as eyes extend from sockets, hit screen, and explode]

Dont you just love Zwickles Posts .

German Engineering .

I am Gobsmacked

Pumpy :blink:
I started out with a simple gravity fed system but the tinkering aspect led me away from the simpler ways of dong things. Although I'd have to say that my brew days tend to go much smoother/relaxed with all the mod-cons that I've added.
Off-topic I know :rolleyes: but i spoke to a guy from Germany yesterday. He said it is illegal to make your own beer in Germany and you need a licence. Is this true?
Not anymore. Til the 80s it was forbidden to brew your own beer in Germany. But then they made a new law that everyone can brew up to 200Litres per year for free. If one exeeds the 200l, he has to pay a little tax.

Since then, Germany has a growing homebrew society.
Not anymore. Til the 80s it was forbidden to brew your own beer in Germany. But then they made a new law that everyone can brew up to 200Litres per year for free. If one exeeds the 200l, he has to pay a little tax.

Since then, Germany has a growing homebrew society.

You better hide mate, that setup looks like its brewing 200l a week with all that control they will think you are going into buisness
You better hide mate, that setup looks like its brewing 200l a week with all that control they will think you are going into buisness
who tells you, that I dont pay my tax for exeeding litres? :p
Great stuff, Zwickel.

Just make sure you don't burn your house down before we get there... :D

I bow my head to the EVIL BEER LORD

The Great Zwickel.

What a way to go. :beer: