How Hard Do You Find It To Convert Megaswillers

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I gave this girl some of my beer the other day. She's never tasted beer before (and never been drunk) and she loved it. Tell your mates to man up.
Mate, you're in!
I find most "swillers" are very happy to quaff my brews - I do however tend to serve them lagers. Doesn't have to be flavourless though, a schwarzbier is enjoyed just as much as a bohemian pils. I wouldn't expect them to enjoy hoppy ales straight off.
I don't bother... I offer it but if they don't want it then that is not a problem for me to worry about how I should convert them. More beer for me!!.... Am happy to sit back drinking a few if nobody else wants to join then that's their issue not mine.
My mates became increasingly more interested in trying my beer when i (coincidentally) got my kegs.

Pretty sure it was just so they could have a crack at pouring the beer themselves.

Honestly couldn't give a flying **** if my mates like my beer. Most of them do, but it's not worth worrying about to me. I make beer for my palette, not theirs...However, it is a good feeling when your mates come around for your monthly poker night out in the shed (where my taps live) and they don't bring the usual megaswill, because they would much rather drink your own brews.

These guys are guys with money too, so they have no problem with paying for beer, they just like mine a fair bit.

It's just not my intention to brew for them though..
I only hang out with connoisseurs of the finer things in life so I've never had such a need. B)


I have one best mate who will sip a glass of Ross's summer Ale or a Wheat beer if he has to, but will switch back to Tooheys draught cans at any opportunity. Rest of my mates would rather drink my beer or spirits than anything they make or buy.

Smurto's is a favourite, but browns and blacks are all popular. Haven't found one that looks at a half full glass of Cascadian Black IPA for what it's worth though. That ones too much for them.
Pretty sure the beer converted most of us!

Some will love your beer, some will hate your beer, some won't give a ****............ :blink: thats life !

I find the more flavour the less they like them haha once I get setup properly with more bottles (or if I goto kegs) I will have "beer for the masses" and then "beer for the true believers" :lol:
My mates at the pub drink differently when i'm around. If i'm not there - they all go Carlton Draught. When i'm around they'll generally go a CPA or Fat Yak (Our local doesn't really have alot of variety).

Have also converted a few family members (of the female kind) who were non-beer drinkers over to my HB (They still won't touch mega swill though - can't really blame them there)
I brewed for me, but since a few of my mates tried them, I don't actually buy grain anymore, as my mates mainly buy for me. I get texts occasionally from them when they're out and they've taken photos of the new craft beer they're trying.
Zealots. Why convert anyone? How do you feel about the Jehovah's trying to convert you?
My misses family all drink VB I have had 1 out of all of them try my HB coz he would drink anything but he seems to like it (or the fact its free) I am not sure. The rest wont even try it. They ask is it like VB?? I say no and they go ok and grab another can.

I once purchased a slab of VB for an event we hosted for my brother in law - a notorious "VB only" drinker. An hour before the event, I opened each bottle and carefully poured into a sanitized keg, purged, threw it on draught along-side my home brewed (and craft commercial) offerings. When I offered him the VB on tap, he tried it and said, "Look it's just OK but it's not VB. I'd rather have a VB." That's when I lifted the lid to the recycling bin and showed him the empties.

You can't win against these people.

I'm with Manticle. Introduce and let them make their own mind.

Every couple of months on a Friday at knock off we have a beer tasting day at work. I shout the guys pizzas (On company credit card, not from my own pocket) and bring in some of my latest beers as well as a couple of different craft beers I buy.

They were all die hard megaswill drinkers and even though some of them still prefer VB will gladly try something new, and do enjoy some of them. Ive got them trying stouts and porters at the moment.
Ive converted a couple of them (even a JW and coke guy) who now text me on weekends with pics of beers when theyre at the bottlo, asking me if Ive tried this and that.
When I offered him the VB on tap, he tried it and said, "Look it's just OK but it's not VB. I'd rather have a VB." That's when I lifted the lid to the recycling bin and showed him the empties.

You can't win against these people.

I'm with Manticle. Introduce and let them make their own mind.


The marketing is strong here isnt it! The best is if you do a three way blind tasting with people who swear blind "New, Carlton or VB only, none of that other crap" with New, Carlton and VB (maybe TED to mix it up a bit) - I bet none of them will be able to pick their beer from the lineup.

Beer choice is often more about conditioning/marketing than actual taste... a lot of people would prefer not to think about it...

Personally people know if they come round here they get HB and nothing else... doesn't seem to matter. I can even introduce them to new flavours like DMS from my bag of Best Pils that's in about 5 or 6 beers I made :)
just wondering how hard you guys find it to get megaswillers to accept AG beer that you make.

have thought about it and out of around 30 guys that i have given various AG beers to only about a third of them regularly want to drink my AG BEER INSTEAD OF THE MEGA THAT THEY BRING.
i know it depends on how good your craft beer is but i have only made recipes from the data base and only 4/5 star ratings.

i think my beers have always turned out really nice. i am careful with every thing i do when making/fermenting etc.

these guys drink , T.E.D,s hahn light. coopers lite. boags, west end draught,to name a few.

i really cant be bothered anymore trying to convert them.
they are all good mates but maybe my beer isnt as good as i think,

what have i made.

smurtos golden ale

screwtops JSGA

screwtops red ale

screwtops mooloo ale


belgiun blonde

I don't bother. I brew for me, coz i don't like mega swill.
I found I turned to "better" beers because mega swill was getting boring...I used to enjoy knocking back TEDs and XXXX Golds most weekends but then it just got boring to drink stuff with no taste and just for the effect.

Though I think thats half the reason why mega swill drinkers drink :rolleyes:
I found I turned to "better" beers because mega swill was getting boring...I used to enjoy knocking back TEDs and XXXX Golds most weekends but then it just got boring to drink stuff with no taste and just for the effect.

Though I think thats half the reason why mega swill drinkers drink :rolleyes:
Got a mate with the blandest tastebuds in the world. Even cheese on toast is done with processed cheese slices.
He's tried a few of my beers but always tells me I should be brewing real beer (while holding out a Pure Blonde/TED/Carlton Dry).
My Euro Lager (Wey Pils and Noble hop combo to 25 IBUs, S189) put into a carlsberg stubbie with a CPBF served at 4C has never not had a convert.

It's about presentation.

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