How Does The Alchohol Affect You ?

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It really depends on what I'm drinking:
beer - relaxed, more open and talkative, then as I drink more I become sleepy
vodka - fine...fine...fine...unconcious
jack daniels - on top of the world, followed by "bugger me, the sun is coming up already".
red wine - excitedly happy, mischevious, energetic
white wine - fairly mellow
tequila - ill

I brew at all strengths, from 3% milds to 12% scrumpy ciders. I have a real soft spot for Belgians, which start at about 7% for me, but I don't drink alot of them at a time.
I aim for 5% but my aim is not that good so I end up with brews from high 4s to high 5s. It doesnt seem to matter what % it is I always end up enjoying myself more than I know is good for me. You know how it goes when you try to count beers. One > Many.
I have been making a little stronger beers about 5.7 % recently and enjoy the relaxed feeling I get after a couple of pints .

I find I seem to handle stronger beers better at home than out with a group as probably I cant insult or offend anyone at home so easily .

After a busy day at work I am glad of a stronger beer , I dont suffer from hangovers with my beer .

How does your beer affect you do you become a 'Jekyle and Hyde' character or do you just fall asleep .

Pumpy :unsure:

Oh dear <_< 5.7% is stronger :unsure:A light is about 4.8% to 5% here.

And a place that I'll never drink at again!

I like a beer much lighter.otherwise I'll be **** faced like at Bindi's


All my beers are marked with the % and every guest is told of the % [which I like, which is whole point of home brewing, making the stlyes and % you like and enjoy]
As adults it is 'their call' to how much they drink given the know %
The Belgium styles here get a "flogging" when guest turn up and the % is there for all to see. Oh forgot the Russian Imp at 9.6 also got a "flogging" whilst I drank the lighter Hefe [well 4% lighter]
Usuall I get
from a session on the wee wee, so have a personal rule, no beers before 5pm. (That was before I got tangled up with some local pissp er brewers).

Can usually pick a big beer so don't really need to be told, but do appreciate fellow brewers letting me know. Mostly brew 4% - 5% here with the occasional 6%, I like to have 4 pots of an evening and sometimes more so don't like them too big, for me its all about the tastes and complexities of the beer.

Lets face it, if you just want to get ****-faced then there's less work in buying a carton of XXXX or green death and tipping that in your head.

I brew to make good beers. Since finding this Hobb obsession I've tasted some of the best beers of my life and wish I'd found this forum years ago. Don't get me wrong I like the silly stuff as much as anyone, but all beers contain alcohol. Homebrewed beer has taste, varied tastes, all different in their unique ways and all the results of talented brewers. I've been lucky enough to have tasted beers produced by craftbrewers from the Gold Coast to Bundaberg over the past 12 months and their results spur me on to improve my brewing. In the last few weeks I've had some outstanding beers, a Scottish, Stout and a Kriek all brewed by local brewers, I couldn't buy anything as good.

So this is how alcohol has affected me, it's turned me into a KONOSSA. :D
Until I started brewing, Alcohol was effecting me worse every year. Now days, I doubt i could drink 4 x VB's without a hangover (Actually, now I find it hard to drink one out of politeness).

As you may or may not be aware, I restrict myself to beers on Friday and sturday nights (And special occasions) for my weight. It certainly makes my Beers more "Special" to me.

Genrally I brew around the 5% mark, but occaionally might do one to 6%. The three can stout I did recently was up around 7.5% ( I notice this one during the second beer).

What I find really interesting is the way the Alc effects me in that with HB it seems to be slower to hit me and creeps up on me. i.e. Fine, fine, fine pissed.

I would say:
  1. 1 stubby - fine
  2. 2 stubby - fine
  3. 3 stubby - somthings happening.
  4. 4 stubby - pretty cheery.
  5. 5 stubbies - Pretty there.
  6. 6 stubbies - startin to stagger.
Of course this list assumes an uninterrupted session.

In hindsite, I reckon the early effects of commercial beers is probably more due to the preservatives etc than the alcohol.

Needless to say, my hangovers are negligible on HB's.

cheers all

This weekend i had a few mates around and was talking on this very subject with them. After work i'll pour myslef a beer and sit on the lounge, after the first i am so relaxed i could fall asleep and quiet often do. Starting to feel old at 24 i guess. I always let my guest's know the % but usually it's the first question they ask(non-HB's).

As for hangovers, have not had one on the homebrew yet in my still young HB career.
Backyard lemon cricket at 1 am was the course of action last night, with threats of ''m calling the police' from the missus. :party:
I used to be able to drink 'till the sun came up (back then bars didn't have a must-close-by time in the ACT) and did so at least three nights a week.

These days if I go into town drinking I often find receipts in my pockets the next morning for sub-midnight cab rides home...but I put this down to the fact that I drink much more in a much shorter time than when I was younger.

Oh, the effect? Mostly happy, overly chatty, sometimes impatient, very often reckless.

As for telling visitors what they are drinking % wise, most of mine are under the % of the megaswill they drink so not much point telling them, but if it's a strong one I let them know...don't want anyone busted DUI or dead or responsible for the death of somebody else just because I filled 'em up with high octane guzzoline :eek:

Some admissions from the members on this post .

One must admire the honesty of the slightly inebriated

Pumpy :)
I've found that after a fair few... I become the worlds best one man rock band... I can play air guitar... air drums and also sing!!! :p But generally no one else agrees <_<

As to letting people know the %... They always get the heads up... It's usually between the 5-6% mark

I'm in the unfortunate postition that if I have a few too many my brain doesn't work but my fingers type really well! (Not that anyone would have noticed ;))

I never feel like a beer on my days off but always love them after work. Working outdoors in QLD creates a thirst. Being a bachelor creates boundary problems! So, I try to drink and brew light beers as much as possible most of which I'm not totally happy with.

Full-strength beers make me belly-dance badly and talk to women I don't know oblivious to the fact that their boyfriends are sitting beside them.

I enjoy it though!
Had a few lads come over yesterday arvo and far too many drinks were had.

This morning I woke up with bruising on all limbs and a variety of cuts/scratches all over...also no idea of what happened after the sun went down :unsure:

Certainly this is the worst side effect there is, as I'm now worried about what I might have done :blink:

I try to drink and brew light beers as much as possible most of which I'm not totally happy with.

I quite like the idea of being able to drink a 3-4% brew that tastes better than what you buy at 5%. I feel no shame in brewing and drinking low alcohol beers.
Also helps reduce domestic violence (ie. the missus hitting me for being drunk AGAIN).
I start ranting on about the govt and how crap the libs are running the general I just start talking the same rubbish as when I'm sober, but with more repitition.
Effects on me are pretty straight forward.
Commercial beer at the pub= happily shitfaced in 4 pints, talking crap and getting myself in trouble in ways you wouldn't expect from a happily married 34 year old. Flirting with the pretty girls, 4 hours to play one game of pool, can't hit a dartboard, eventually staggering off to find a Maccas somewhere, waking up in the morning nauseous with a headache, wondering 'WHY!?!?!?!WHY!?!?!?!WHY!?!?!'

My beer @ home = Shitfaced in 4 pints but don't stop there, talking crap, flirting with the wife (not so bad), teasing the cat, still can't play pool or hit a dartboard......inevitable meal of toasted sandwiches at some strange hour & wake up in the morning not remembering much, but no worse for wear.....(till I feel the weight of the keg...)
Because I work from home I have also had to make a personal rule of no beer before 5 during the week unless it's a brewday in which case all bets are off ...I have also taken the radical step of removing my beerfridge from my workshop. Because the temp in the workshop can hit 35 degrees before luchtime, any beer in the fridge starts to sing to me by about 2pm........."Come on.....drink me....just one.....nice....icey cold...............come on......mmmmmmmmm"
I try these days to not read forums whilst drinking, as I lack the discipline to bite my tongue and bind my fingers when I've had a couple.
I warn guests about a stronger beer, it's just courtesy. A big beer can bring an afternoon to a fast close for some people.