How Do You Keep Your Waistline In Trim ?

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Pumpy's Brewery.
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unsure if it is the food or the beer but it is all going on my gut two months two Kilos :( i need serious help

Run run and run

Still fighting the battle of the bulge.

Jimmy :lol:
Backpack around asia for a while - a bit of Bali belly should work wonders. :rolleyes:
Beer = skinny, sober = fat

Beer = girls.

What's to discuss? :p
:icon_offtopic: I am in shape - round is a shape! :lol:

In trim though - that's harder. Not that I've done it for quite some time but my preference is beating the street - nothing like going for a run to blast the cobwebs out. My brother is a personal trainer and recommends swimming as a good all round excercise.
sound like I am in good company ;)

Maybe we should ask Merc's Own. He has managed to combine dancing and brewing. Still looks in good shape.
Simple fact is that to not gain weight your kilojoules used must equal the kilojoules you take in. I tried to no avail with the reduced input caper then discovered with an exercise program I can eat and drink what I like. I run, I bike ride, I'm a bit of a gym junkie and also do Bootcamp (Link) three mornings a week.

Most important things with exercise it to do it regularly and do something you enjoy. Try NSW Health

Also see the attached pdf for a runners view on this.


View attachment make_merry_RRSep07.pdf
I have just recently taken up bicycle touring, 150-200km in a weekend does wonders :) Rugby used to be my outlet (during the season), but that is kind of counter productive since I drink more when I am with my team mates after the games! LOL!
- Berwyck
Look at food and alcohol as a form of fuel.
In simple terms the more kilojoules you consume the more you would need to burn off, if you dont burn it off you put on weight.
Eat fruit and vegies daily stay away from fast foods and enjoy your beer.
I cycle to work each day totalling about a 30km round trip. I primarily ride because I love it and I dont often get time to exercise when I get home as I have a young family.
I would still have the beers if I didnt ride but i use it as an excuse to reward myself by thinking I deserve it ;) another beneift is feeling better....

eat, drink, exercise be healthier and happy.

old dog
I tried to no avail with the reduced input caper then discovered with an exercise program I can eat and drink what I like.

same here. why drink less, or not at all, when a bit of running or swimming (or insert any form of exercise, walking or basketball, whatever) will burn the calories and keep you fit?

of course moderation in all things is better than going to extremes, in beer and exercise i think. so no need to go overboard. take it slow and your body will tell you when you've gone too far.

note: just my opinions and my own form of common sense.
Be a vegie like me and you can drink $h$t loads of beer and stay trim.
The right parents also help. B) [Big time]
What are you all on about? I drink like a fish and I never top 80kg! Beer doesn't put on weight does it? I must be doing something wrong...... :lol:
Run (mix up both distance at comfotable pace + sprinting)
Do some form of weights as this is what helps build your metabolism.The more muscle = faster metabolism.

For weights you can generally find a lot of easy gear around the house or not to far. Eg. Your body weight for pushups, pullups/chinups, dips off a chair, squats, lunges, box jumps, situps, the hover/plank/bridge.

Get a sandbag and use it for shoulder press, squats, lunges. Tie some rope around an old tyre and run around dragging it behind you (best for short sprints). If you have access to a big truck tyre, get it and start flipping it over, you'll end up using your whole body and work a heap of muscles at once.

Check out for some good ideas.

The main thing is don't do nothing! Even go for a walk.

Have fun Pumpy!
i prefer brewing for a workout
20kg jerrys
11kg water bottles
milling by hand
lifting stupid weights of mashtun

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