Run (mix up both distance at comfotable pace + sprinting)
Do some form of weights as this is what helps build your metabolism.The more muscle = faster metabolism.
For weights you can generally find a lot of easy gear around the house or not to far. Eg. Your body weight for pushups, pullups/chinups, dips off a chair, squats, lunges, box jumps, situps, the hover/plank/bridge.
Get a sandbag and use it for shoulder press, squats, lunges. Tie some rope around an old tyre and run around dragging it behind you (best for short sprints). If you have access to a big truck tyre, get it and start flipping it over, you'll end up using your whole body and work a heap of muscles at once.
Check out for some good ideas.
The main thing is don't do nothing! Even go for a walk.
Have fun Pumpy!