I have just started my first batch of home brew. I am wanting to know how to get the closest to NEW as I can. Has anyone got any recipes or suggestions?
What kind of brewer are you? If you are a AG brewer searching the recipe Database for an ozzy lager would be a good starting point. If your a kit brewer then the tooheys homebrew kit would probably be a goer (a kit brewer I know brews these almost exclusively, tooheys new is what he drank before he was brewing)
All fair points and questions but he made another thread around the same time that others might have seen that suggested he's making a Tooheys Special Lager - his first brew. My opinion is that it takes more than a little experience to be able to turn out one of these, erm, entry level lager kits into something nice without making adding too many non-standard ingredients/processes. It is possible, of course, but not for the n00b following tin instructions, IMO.
I am NOT saying people can't make a beer they enjoy with a standard lager tin and a kilo of whatever.
Grab an empty bottle unzip your fly. Once the bottle is full, put a crown cap on seal the bottle
Grab an empty bottle & unzip your fly. Once the bottle is full, put a crown cap on & seal the bottle. h34r:
S/he also took the jibe about piss in a bottle in his/her stride so let's all move on. Anyone got any more recipe suggestions?
Back to your recipe suggestion mantical, and for the benefit of fasty if he's still reading. where would you suggest the add the 12g POR? Dry hopping would make it too aromatic to be like the real thing and if the can is bittered thats probably close enough.
I don't know if this is super helpful, but if you like New, maybe you could look at brewing a Munich helles that is on the drier side, which will come from swapping some extract for cane sugar or dextrose.
Check out Jamil Zainasheff's recipes here for a good starting point.
As others have mentioned, the key to making a good beer here will be your fermentation, it will also be key to get fresh light extract.
The temp in Sydney at the moment is fantastic for brewing a clean ale, so get into it before the summer hits.