How Close Have You Come When Breathalized

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Pumpy's Brewery.
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Well a pleasant evening to meet up with that man of a thousand words .
Pistopatch ,Kabooby and Stuster at the Maquarie in Sydney
I only had two middies and a schooner over a three hour period

40 mins from the last drink I was pulled over by the police breath testing must admit I have never been tested after actually drinking , My heart was Pumping and when the police man said say 'one to five' into the machine and I said 'FIVE' he thought I have got one here!

Well the bloody maching went off ringing and making a tune I thoiught it was my mobile, he kept quizzing me if I had been drinking and I said yes a couple of middies he said are you sure with a quizzing look .

This time he got the old fashion blow in the tube machine out

blow in this for five seconds .

are you sure you have not drank more he asked again??

0.026 half the legal limit and he tried to put the wind up me as he had a big smile on his face at the end . Breath Teasing more like .

I dont think I would have wanted to be any closer .

I was a bit annoyed I could have had a few more beers in retrospect

Dont drink and drive lads .

Pumpy :huh:
I seem to get tested fairly regularly after having two or three schooners. It must be the route and the time.

I'm always honest and they always say no problem.


Thats cheeky. Getting enjoyment out of watching people **** their pants.

I certainly didnt need any more. It was a tough drive back from Terrigal at 10:00
How close. Mate I went all the way many years ago :angry:

Real pain in the arse without a licence for a while.

Anyway, much more responsable these days. :D
Real pain in the arse without a licence for a while.

My old neighbour got done and lost his for 5 years - well he actually got done twice in 2 weeks :blink:

When I was 18 I had a couple of schooners with a mate and then got pulled over right outside the pub. It was pissing down with rain so all the windows were closed. This copper knocked on the window and as soon as I opened the window, the beer smell must have been pretty overpowering as her words were "Jesus, you boys have had a few tonight". Anyway, I blew into the tube, was a touch over 0.05, but luckly I have always looked older and I do not think she realised I was on my "P's", so she just looked at me a few times and then said that she would let me go - we got to chatting and next thing for some crazy reason I asked her out........... She said yes............

But anyway, the rest of the story can be shared some other time B)
A few years ago now, was on my P's, only a few days left 'till I got off them.
Came around a bend and drove into a Booze-Bus line-up.
When the copper got to me he did the usual, asked if I've had a drink? yep, How many? Two, about 1/2 an hour ago, Blow into this please....
I blew over the P-plater limit (0.02 ?) and he told me to take a seat over here.... while he parks my car over there....
'Over there' was across a curb, then 2M of wet grass, then a footpath, then stop on a wet grassy hill with the nose of the car down, tree's in front.... in a car with a dead starter-motor! hmmm.
'Over here' was a line of chairs with 3 occupied - waiting to be ushered into the Bus for an accurate reading, I sat in the fourth, breathing deeply in the false-hope it would lower my alcohol reading. The cops then started waving cars thru and packing up! Damn! One min later I'd have been fine.

The 3 before me had their go on the accurate machine, 2 drove off, one got a lift.
I was about to have my turn when the cops chased after some guy that saw the Bus, panicked, turned off his driving lights and reversed down the road into oncomming traffic. Excellent, more time for me....
They got the dude and he was taken into the bus before me, the bus started to rock about and there was the sound of yelling and things being thrown.... awesome, more time for me....

By the time I went thru it was over an hour later, the cop tore the print-out from the machine and threw it away without really looking at it. Dunno if he knew I was only a few days from getting off the P's or if I was only a bee's-dick over or if I blew under, but I was allowed to drive away.

I had to push the car up-hill onto the footpath, luckily it was a pretty light car(600kg), two of the cops packing up saw this, had a good laugh with me and gave me a hand to bumpstart her on the footpath :D
I've only been pulled over once by a booze bus and that's when I was on my P-plates.

Officer asked me all the questions, blew into the tube, and blew the exact P-plate limit and they let me go!

Man, I was living on the edge! :ph34r:

Guess it wasn't hard though, the P-plate limit here is 0.00.
Got done 10 years ago now as a young'n. Blew 0.25. After blowing up my car doing burnouts. 3 years without a licence, good behaviour bond and a couple of thousand dollars down. I learnt my lesson (the hard way). DONT DRINK & DRIVE!

Anyway, I don't go near a car these days after any beer, wine etc.

Ah..... growing up :)
I've driven drunk exactly twice. Stupid idea both times, and I won't do it again.
actually had to blow in the bag after Judging At anawbs After 30 Apa's was 2 hours after the comp was clear to go ....lucky i started to Spit beer out...instead of the normal habit of drinking a bit
Blew 0.25. [...] 3 years without a licence, good behaviour bond and a couple of thousand dollars down.

I misread this originally. I thought, "That's a pretty harsh penalty for point oh... ooooh!"
I misread this originally. I thought, "That's a pretty harsh penalty for point oh... ooooh!"

A guy ran up the back of me while I was stopped at an intersection last year. Light was red and he just kept going. He blew .25. At 7am on a Wednesday morning. Dunno whether he was an early starter or a late finisher.

Wrote his car off on my tow bar. My car was barely dented. There is justice in the world after all.
Same thing happened to a mate of mine, except no justice, the bastard fled through the red light. Can only assume the driver was drunk (and/or high) and so wanted to flee the scene. See the crack in the read windscreen? That is from my mates head hitting it during whiplash.



It too was early in the morning, so the bloody lazy cops couldn't even be arsed coming to the scene. There was paint transfered, and one of the bastards Pulsar SSS badges fell off at the scene. Enough to probably track the car down if you had access to the right database. But the cops did zilch and could not give a crap. My tax dollars at work.
Ive been through the breatho twice after having a few I get asked how many ive had etc and ive been scared that I may be close to the limit.

Both times ive asked the copper what I blew and they wouldnt tell me the reading, just that im under. So both times im not sure if im close to the limit and shouldnt drink at all or if ive blown zero and couldve had another beer.
My sister-in-law lives over in Vanuatu. Anyway, a couple of years back they went out and had a few drinks and were driving home. Not really as big a deal as over here, but still.

They were stopped at a roundabout and all of a sudden a car slams into the back of them. They look out and see that it's a cop car. Two of the local police open the door and stumble out pissed as newts. The cops then realise what they've done and then RUN AWAY into the bushes, leaving their mate, another cop, in the back seat of the car passed out and sleeping through the whole thing.

Different world :rolleyes:
only ever been drunk and drove once, i have never owned a car and ride a motorbike.

Down at the local after a long hot day at cricket, had a heap of schooies and decided to ride home.

Dont remeber anything about the ride, what i do remeber is riding up into my drive way and not putting my legs down to support the bike. Ended up laying on the drive way with the bike on top of me.

That was enough to scare me from drinking and driving ever again.

I drive for a truck for a living, and scares the hell out of me to think that someone with a few beers in their guts is driving down that road at me!!!
I've only been breathalised a couple of times. This one time, I was driving my 1963 Beetle and it was early afternoon, right before the end of a car rally, so I'd been driving most of the day... and no drinks. Obviously, I blew 0.00, so the copper walked around and around the beetle a few times looking for defects. The best he could find was "Looks like your left-front tyre is wearing unevenly... you should get the front-end checked out." Loser. Good thing he didn't notice that there was no heater box in the car... just straight exhaust J pipes. You don't need a heater in Qld anyway, but it's still a roadworthy item.

Anyway, a friend of mine blew 0.049 once. That was sailing a bit close to the wind.
This one time,
at band camp...

Heh, I've had that happen too Bonj. They checked everything on my car ('69 datto coupe) and said that the twin carbie's don't look standard, I said they're not and that this car is pre-emmision laws. Ok.
They then said it was a bit loud and I told 'em it was pre-noise laws too, and no-where near as loud as a Harley.
They then asked how I turn the heater on, told 'em I pull that lever there.
They then asked how it works and I told them it's a water heater and I traced out all the lines from/to the coolant system and heater core for them.
At no point did I get cheeky and just calmly answered every question they asked as if I were chatting to a mate, they gave up and let me go.. haha.
Always been ok, however in the car with a mate driving (10 yrs ago), we had some work drinks and we were dropping the Cortina at my place in Mosman, prior to going out and getting blind.

6pm, cops at a breath test station on Aurimba Rd. Mate blew over, cop asked where we were heading. I pointed up the rd, gestured to a house 200m away. Officer (very nicely) told us to park the car at the nearest cross st, where he could see it and leave the keys with him. We did so, and he dropped them in my post box at the end of this shift.

Massive respect - my mate must have been close (3 full strength beers in 1.5hrs) and the officer controlled the situation.

Anyway, my two lessons - don't drink and drive - and be courteous if you're pulled!

Cheers - Mike
Breathalised this morning on the way to dropping the kids at day care. Very strange to see them testing on a small, suburban street, mid-week. No issue of course as I'm not prone to having many beers on my cornflakes before getting down to work. :lol:

When I was 18, new license, taken some mates to a gig in the next town to the one I lived in. Had a few drinks over the course of the evening but thought I should be ok. Coming back we passed a police car and I was bricking it. So what did my clever mates do but wave wildly to the police as we passed by. :rolleyes: Not surprisingly they came after us, the car smelled like a brewery. They breathalised me of course, but I just passed. Gave me a scare and meant I was a bit more careful about how much I drank before driving after that which was probably a good thing.