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In your experiance how long does open hops last in the fridge? Sealed the best i can
They last longer if frozen.

If it's not in a sealed, vac sealed container, they deteriorate as soon as it's opened. If you can smell hops when you open the door, that's aroma that's no longer in your hops. Specifically regarding your question, well, it's a slow deterioration- some Nelson Sauvin I had in my fridge not well sealed for about 3 months had a noticeable decline in aroma qualities, but they were still there.

So, it's a lot of 'it depends'. I recommend that if you are going to store a lot of hops in the freezer to get a vac sealer, I was incredibly happy when I bought it.
oh i didnt know u can freeze them!
If i put them in a sealed tupperware container and into the freezer that would be ok?
Awsome thanks as soon as i get home ill chuck it in a contanier.. and ill chuck the sealed packets, im not using yet, i have in the frezzer also.
thanks mate
I agree with Peas and Corn about the use of a vacuum sealer. i got one in a bulk buy and it's been great. you can easily reseal the bags that you buy hops in this way too, so all those bags that i bought with them will take years to get through.
I only got it recently, and I regretted not getting it earlier. Hops keep their aroma for much longer if you vac seal them.
+1 for the vac sealer

I only use it for my hops and i still think its one of the better 'tools' i have bought for my brewery

i now buy my main hops in a 1Kg when on special and seal them in 100g bags - works a treat
(i only buy 1kg of hops i get through in a year like cascade etc) but you could buy a 1kg and split with friends, saves a lot
If the aroma is gone, keep them aside for bittering in Lambics.

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