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I move to Yarraville in 12 days. That will make me about 690 metres from Grain and Grape by foot. Can't complain!

Their brew demo days are fantastic by the way. Anyone in Melbourne who is considering the move to AG or wants more info on the subject can get plenty of good info from Paul Rigby ("Riggers") for All Grain demos on the last Saturday of the month or Paul Bowlen does an Extract demo on the 2nd Saturday of the month.

Basically it's just a bunch of brewers standing around, drinking beer (at 11am :blink: ) and talking beer. SWMBO doesn't get it, but I love it! I've been to a few demos, it's great experience.

No association and all that...just appreciative of the local HBS...
I move to Yarraville in 12 days. That will make me about 690 metres from Grain and Grape by foot. Can't complain!

Lucky SOB bugwan!!!
My nearest HBS is 500m from my work in Richmond, and they're pretty useless (unless you just want K&K, in which case Coles is cheaper). Have made numerous wasted trips to this place, and now prefer going across town to Grain and Grape, even for incidentals. Definitely the best in Melbourne.
No affiliation, just think they're a great bunch of guys, who truely understand all aspects of brewing, and know what their customers want. I'll drink to that! :chug:
How bout this

asked for 10Kg of marris otter 3 of wheat and 1 of carafa -

they mixed it all in together in the one bag - what sort of beer would that be!

didn't realise till i got home :angry:

asked if they had any keg valves - 'we can order them in mate'

mumble mumble says i

he comes back 30 sec later with a whole box of valves!!!

or the liquid yeast that is 15mnths old -still full price ....! :blink:

makes me hate brewing...
I'd say, maybe, off the top of my head, stab in the dark, run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes...perhaps a Schwarzbier. Use a lager yeast and mash low.

Or maybe a Dark Belgian, using the right yeast and hops, brewed to 16 litres.

When life handz U a lemon, make lemonade. Gee, it's late, isn't it?
What I mean to say is be creative and make the most of it, coz U ain't gettin' a refund.

Seth out
Got to give Norm at Brewer's Choice at Gaythorne (Brisbane North)a big rap. He was a big help to me when I was starting out in AG. Their range of liquid yeats etc is not great but he is always willing to chase what you need. The crush of their grain is top quality too.

Good on ya Norm
Their brew demo days are fantastic by the way. Anyone in Melbourne who is considering the move to AG or wants more info on the subject can get plenty of good info from Paul Rigby ("Riggers") for All Grain demos on the last Saturday of the month or Paul Bowlen does an Extract demo on the 2nd Saturday of the month.


Take Riggers a sample of your best Wheat beer (if you make one). He'll be only too happy to try it for you. :lol: :lol:

Warren -
Their brew demo days are fantastic by the way. Anyone in Melbourne who is considering the move to AG or wants more info on the subject can get plenty of good info from Paul Rigby ("Riggers") for All Grain demos on the last Saturday of the month or Paul Bowlen does an Extract demo on the 2nd Saturday of the month.


Take Riggers a sample of your best Wheat beer (if you make one). He'll be only too happy to try it for you. :lol: :lol:

Warren -

I guess that would only be fair....considering how much of his stuff I've tried...!

There was a guy in last demo day actually, who had brewed a pilsener for Riggers to try. It was gone in seconds... He gave it a good wrap though. There's nothing like a trained palate and a no-nonsense reply to help your brewing.

Cheers Warren.
Was a bit of a Joke Bugwan. I can tell you from some experience that Riggers "hates" Wheat beers. :lol: :blink:

Warren -
Was a bit of a Joke Bugwan. I can tell you from some experience that Riggers "hates" Wheat beers. :lol: :blink:

Warren -

Ahh, thanks for the follow up...my sarcasm meter was set to 'silent'!

He certainly has steadfast beliefs... His big belief seems to be mash pH - he reckons that is far more important than strike/mash temps. Even for the beginning brewer he recommends a roll of pH tape and to treat sparge water. I don't agree with this for beginners, but each to their own.

At the end of the day, it's a great help to see an experienced brewer working his craft for you. Especially for the novices (such as moi).
Ive got a little story from my LHBS:- :wacko:

I went in there on saturday morning as I ran out of S04 and had no chance of getting it from my usual supplier. I know the bloke well as I use to buy my K&K gear from him (Oh to remember the bad days).

He asked how my brews were going and all the usual inquisitive questions even though he knows nothing about what us AG brewers do. I told him that I just had a brew infect on me (my poor Brew Day Oktoberfest). I told him what it smelt like etc and he said that it rang a bell. He then poured a beer off the tap in his shop for me to smell. It surely was infected. He insisted I taste it, so I did and I nearly spewed. He then told me it didnt matter cause he was gonna drink it anyway. YUK.

Then he told me that both of his 60l fermenters smelt the same. They were surely infected too, they stunk. I told him to tip the beers, clean them extensively and try again. Instead he goes under his little bar and comes up with some Blue Mountain Lager Yeast packets, cuts the top off and pours them into his infected brews. 'That will kill any infection' he said, content with his actions. I grabbed my SO4 and scurried out of there!!!!!!
Oh dear.

At least in Sydney there's not many of these crap shops around, most of them are pretty good. Although a couple (starting with B and sometimes TC) don't want to know a thing about you if you want more than those crappy 150g packets of grain. But on the whole most brewshops are pretty well informed and most of the guys are pretty good for a chat and advice.

I did once get a 5 year old vial of White Labs, but it was free, and it fired up fine. Got a free hat from White Labs and did pretty well with the beer in the Castle Hill show comp. That's about the worst story i've got and it's not really that bad. :)
Geez, that's a lovely LHBS you have vjval. Still waiting to see if my LHBS guy can make a good beer. :ph34r: :lol:
I have say that the strike rate is probably about 50/50 between good HBS and ignorant HBS. While most are pretty nice people, I am a bit surprised by the level of ignorance or lack of interest displayed by some, given you only have to read a book or online info to get a really solid grounding in brewing basics. I think that some of them are not reading types?

Agree with you DJR - the B shop not far from you tends not to want to have much to do with the customers. Another that closed down in Bronte a while back I found a bit abrupt and not too helpful when I queried them on a particular brand of kit beer that I had purchased from them before and the guy said I must be wrong because he had never stocked it, let alone heard of it before!
Just like to add my 2 bobs worth.

I have only ever been to one HBS (Greensborough Homebrew Supplies no affiliation etc) and have no need or desire to go to a different one.

Are they clean: Yes
Are they Knowledgeable: Yes
Are they helpful: Extremely
Are they modern: No
Do they carry a good stock: Yes

Just as important is the shop atmosphere. I find the customers mostly stay for a while and talk about our favourite topic. I dropped in a couple of Saturdays ago for a quick (3 hour) visit.

Sounds like Im a very lucky brewer.
I dropped in on my local HBS a few months ago, and they gave me a sampler of a beer brewed (on premises) by a local brewer. Now I like the idea that they're offering tasters, but perhaps they should've paid more attention on brew day, as they were adamant that the full mash brew didn't have any hops whatsoever. Just grains, water and yeast.

Still, nice guys...
wheres this "b" shop you talk of DJR , obviously dont name them on forum, drop me a pm and fill me in ... i think i know but no certain also whats the other one "TC"

im happy with the one i have been going to for a while now , quite helpful good for a chat and seemingly knowledgeable enough and willing to admit if he isnt sure of something you ask...
I forgot to say:- on the brew day I had a couple of weeks ago, the same guy from the shop turned up to see what was happening and try to sell some gear. He brought a guy with him that apparantly wrote a book on brewing (Ross or patch know more about this guy I think) but anyway, they had no idea what we were doing. At the shop the other day he said that I looked too busy and really wanted to be shown what was happening! Im sure there are good HBS around, but this one has gotta be the BEST!!!!!


Definately got to love the HBS shop guys who straight out tell you when they dont have the stock or dont know. My local is usually pretty good and carries a good range, sometimes he doesnt have exactly what you want but wont substitute different grains and his stock is never stale. Some HBS guys get massive eggos - Its just a hobby for christ sake.
I'd like to put down a vote for two in Brisbane;

Annerley Home Brew (Annerley, Brisbane Southside)
This was the first home brew store I ever walked into after inheriting my grand dad's brewing kit. I was totally confused about the kits and sugars/malts. The folks were very helpful in getting me going and have a great range of kits and gear.
I walked back into the store only yesterday (haven't been there for a few years) on the way home to pick up a racking cane, and sure enough the service and friendliness was still there.

Home Brew Oasis (Kedron, Brisbane Northside)
This had been my local for a few years and once again a very friendly and helpful store. I particularly like this store because they have a huge range of gear, and from what I can tell at very reasonable prices.

I can't comment on ingredients selection for these two stores as I have only just put down my very first all grain last weekend. I live close enough to Craftbrewer to get my ingredients from there from here on in.
I forgot to say:- on the brew day I had a couple of weeks ago, the same guy from the shop turned up to see what was happening and try to sell some gear. He brought a guy with him that apparantly wrote a book on brewing (Ross or patch know more about this guy I think) but anyway, they had no idea what we were doing. At the shop the other day he said that I looked too busy and really wanted to be shown what was happening! Im sure there are good HBS around, but this one has gotta be the BEST!!!!!

Hmm... Brisbane... I have read some excerpts from a "book" being published by a bloke from the Lochyer Valley region - thinks he's the ducks nuts. "Brewing for thirty years..." and "won over 300 competitions"... are phrases uttered amongst some completely unbelievable "advice" such as adding sea-water to your brew and using SO2 as a yeast nutrient. Never in my life have I read such garbage - truly it had me weeping tears of laughter! Unfortunately, this book is indeed being published and it is about to hit the shelves, so we are about to have an influx of very mis-informed newbies. The person who the book was sent to for review was a lot more diplomatic in his response to the author. Personally, I would have wiped my arse with it and sent it back C.O.D. But then, I am an arsehole at heart, after all... :lol:


EDIT: Spelling... again

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