Hibiscus Beer

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Does anyone ever try to make a hibiscus beer ? If yes, would it be possible to give me some guine line ? I'm thinking to the Blanche d'Hibiscus from Dieu du Ciel as a reference.
Actually, I was thinking about adding hibiscus syrup (http://www.wildhibiscus.com/shop/index.html) at the end of the fermentation and prior to bottling. I will take the OG of the syrup before to know how much to add. I was thinking using that with a standard wheat ale and may be some liberty and sterling hops. Does that sound feasible ?
Thank you !
Blanche d'Hibiscus certainly is an interesting beer.
If I remember correctly, it's loosely based on a Belgian Wit with flowers(i think) added, assumingly after the primary ferment.
It seemed to have a distinct tartness to it, like some raspberry beers. Not sure if that comes from fruit/flowers themselves, or the base beer.

As for those flowers in syrup, it might work. Not sure how strong the flavour is of them, but you're on the right track taking a gravity reading of the syrup...could be used in place of sugar in 2ndary ferment?
You might be best off using dried hibiscus flowers boiled up in some water. Lots of middle eastern countries make a tea out of dried red hibiscus flowers. We had it alot in Egypt, served cold with a sh*$load of sugar. Ends up tasting like rasberry cordial with a bit of tannin, quite nice. The product is called Karkade (pronounced kar-ka-dee), I have attached a photo below.

We bought ours from a Middle Eastern grocer in Sydney, try places like Lakemba, Fairfield etc. Make sure you get the whole flowers, not black tea mixed with bits of flowers. It was pretty cheap ~$5 bag.

I hadn't thought about using it before but you have got me thinking. I am currently brewing a wheat/wit/weiss combo beer to some of which I was going to add some passionfruit. I might split it again and put some hibiscus in it! If I do I will report back.





PS. The flowers themselves make the drink quite tart, so I guess thats where the acidity in the commercial examples comes from
Have not tried it myself but I would think that priming with the syrup should work. Just not sure on how much flavour you would pick up. I have tried the flowers in syrup in Champagne, & IIRC the person mixing them was adding a good dash of the syrup & a flower to each glass. I'd be inclined to buy a similar commercial & a jar of the flowers to experiment 1st in the glass.
Rosellas will give you a similar result.
(No not the parrot) <_<
I do a seasonal Rosella Wit that is ok if a little tart, boil the rosellas down to a syrup for late kettle and secondary additions.
Rosellas will give you a similar result.
(No not the parrot) <_<
I do a seasonal Rosella Wit that is ok if a little tart, boil the rosellas down to a syrup for late kettle and secondary additions.
You lucky bugger to have access to rosella,ihavent tasted them for 20 years, when i lived in Mackay and had some growing there.It would make a very interesting beer i think :super:
To make hibiscus tea u used the dried flowers. I concur that this would be the way the go. You might need a fair sack of flowers though
Thanks for your replies,
I continue un little bit my research regarding the hibiscus and the commercial hibiscus flower syrop is 50$ for a pot of 1000g. The ingredient are: Hibiscus (40%), water, cane suger. So, I will follow Muggus's tips and buy some dry hibiscus and make my own syrop. I will give you some feedback !
Check with Asher.

He has a mighty fine Hibiscus blonde that goes down a treat.
I think he used around 1.5kg of hibiscus flowers in a 60 litre batch.

To make hibiscus tea u used the dried flowers. I concur that this would be the way the go. You might need a fair sack of flowers though

That's surprising - a teaspoon of dried flowers makes a very strong hibiscus tea.
This beer was made with dried hibiscus sabdariffa - around 20g/litre . I use a little less for wit's
The glass on the left is the beer. The glass on the right is a rose
Asher, any details on how you added the hibiscus? Dry/steeped? Boil/primary/secondary?


This beer was made with dried hibiscus sabdariffa - around 20g/litre . I use a little less for wit's
The glass on the left is the beer. The glass on the right is a rose
View attachment 41515
Hmmm... a bit off topic... but I have been experimenting with mead and lately been sampling my "Champagne Mead" made with "Tropical Fusion" honey from up near Cairns.

After one of SWMBO's girly nights recently, there was a jar of the Wild Hibiscus flowers left behind. I have to say my mead is alright but changes completely with the addition of a flower and some syrup.

It adds a layer of complexity without completely overwhelming the base mead. I'm not saying that I am now some flower-laden champagne sipping nancy but it was an interesting experiment nonetheless.

Also means SWMBO has another beverage option that does not involve a trip to the bottle-o :D

Funnily enough, Asher is one of the brewers for this year's ANHC Food and Beer Pairing dinner, and he's pumped out a mighty fine Hibiscus Blonde for us... if you're coming along, look forward to a crackin' dessert!

Thanks Asher!

This beer was made with dried hibiscus sabdariffa - around 20g/litre . I use a little less for wit's
The glass on the left is the beer. The glass on the right is a rose
View attachment 41515

Asher - I know I asked you this at the ANHC dinner but it was club night after and I'd had too much Wild Hog....where did you get the hibiscus from again?


Asher's ANHC Hibiscus Belgian Blonde No 2

Batch Size (L): 55.00
Wort Size (L): 55.00
Total Grain (kg): 13.80
Anticipated OG: 1.065 Plato: 15.96
Anticipated SRM: 5.7
Anticipated IBU: 25.7
Brewhouse Efficiency: 78 %
Wort Boil Time: 90 Minutes


79.7% Weyermann Pilsner
9.4% Cane Sugar (add to kettle at start of boil - adjust amount to hit pre-boil gravity if efficiency off)
7.2% Weyermann Wheat Malt Light
3.6% Bairds Amber malt


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
55.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 4.70 14.4 60 min.
55.00 g. Hallertau Hersbrucker Pellet 3.70 11.3 60 min.

Your favourite Belgian Strain. - Ferment low to minimise ester production and produce clean alcohols

Mash Schedule
Mashed at 66deg for about an hour with a HERMS Mash out
Single Infusion : Liquor to grist ratio of 3:1


Hibiscus Beer
- 1000g of Hibiscus sabdariffa Get it here online flowers added at flame out.
- Steep for 10mins.
- Whirlpool
- Pump to fermenter through CFC

Stop. Look. Smell. Taste. Enjoy!


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