Help With Yankee Units.....

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Hi all,
I saved this yankee IPA recipe a while back, but now that I would like to use it, notice that its got some weird units,

So for the hop additions marked "AAU" how do I work out how many IBU's?

And doe sanyone have any idea what volume this brew might be, maybe 5 gallons or is it 10?

Finally, what do you think the values in brackets after the specialty malts mean?

IPA Recipe

OG: 1.073 FG: 1.014 IBU: 93 SRM: 9 ABV: 7.5%

14.66 lb. Gambrinus 2-row pale malt
2 oz. crystal malt (15 L)
2 oz. CaraPils malt (6 L )
2 oz. Munich malt (10 L)
2 oz. wheat malt
1 oz. honey malt

7 AAU Columbus hops (FWH)
7 AAU Simcoe hops (FWH)
3.25 AAU Columbus hops (60 min)
1.33 AAU Amarillo hops (30 min)
2.25 AAU Simcoe hops (15 min)
2.66 AAU Columbus hops (10 min)
2 AAU Cascade hops (5 min)

15lbs is around 7Kg (6.8). In a normal 22 or so L batch that would giev you an OG of around 60-70 depending on efficiency if my memoy servers me corectly. Thats about right for an IPA.

As for AAU, this is the same as the old HBU - %AA * Number ounces. So 7AAU of cascade (which is usually around 5%AA) would be 7/5 = 1.4oz.

That must be a pretty old recipe. i don't think anyone has used AAU or HBU for ages.

the number in brackets after the specialty malts will be the colour in degrees lovibond
You could use the Calcs tools on this site too :p


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