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Hey Guys,

Just need some help with this recipe. Its a great beer but there a few things i would like to adjust to make it a better beer. The recipe can be found here.

1. I would like the make the after taste smoother. It has a bit bitter after taste
2. I would like to improve the mouth feel to be like a smooth refreshing feel
3. Finished about 1.017. I cant seem to get anything below 1015. Any ideas to get it to finish around 1010-1005. I am currently only using SafLager.

Your thoughts and ideas would be greatly appreciated

Firefox doesn't like your webpage >_<
Firefox doesn't like your webpage >_<

Sorry if its now formatted greatly. Copied straight from Beersmith

11/13/2010 Clean and prepare equipment.
-- Measure ingredients, crush grains.
-- Prepare 24.55 L water for brewing
-- Steep Specialty Grains
Amount Item Type
0.25 kg Aromatic Malt (26.0 SRM) Grain
0.05 kg Acid Malt (3.0 SRM) Grain
-- Add water to achieve boil volume of 6.55 L
-- Estimated Pre-boil Gravity is: 1.169 SG with all grains/extracts added
Boil for 60 min Start to Boil
Amount Item Type
0.51 kg Light Dry Extract (8.0 SRM) Dry Extract
3.03 kg Wheat Liquid Extract (8.0 SRM) Extract
50.72 gm Hallertauer Hersbrucker [4.00%] (60 min) Hops
30 min into boil Add 20.29 gm Hallertauer Hersbrucker [4.00%] (30 min)
50 min into boil Add 30.43 gm Hallertauer Hersbrucker [4.00%] (10 min)
50 min into boil Add 12.17 gm Saaz [4.00%] (10 min)
55 min into boil Add 0.25 kg Malto-Dextrine (Boil 5.0 min)
55 min into boil Add 0.91 oz Coriander Seed (Boil 5.0 min)
55 min into boil Add 0.91 oz Orange Peel, Sweet (Boil 5.0 min)
-- Cool wort to fermentation temperature
-- Add 18.00 L water (as needed) to achieve volume of 23.00 L
-- Siphon wort to primary fermenter and aerate wort.
-- Add Ingredients to Fermenter
Amount Item Type
1 Pkgs SafLager German Lager (DCL Yeast #S-189) Yeast-Lager
11/13/2010 Measure Original Gravity: ________ (Estimate: 1.048 SG)
11/13/2010 Measure Batch Volume: ________ (Estimate: 23.00 L)
31 days Ferment in primary for 31 days at 14.0 C
12/14/2010 Measure Final Gravity: ________ (Estimate: 1.013 SG)
-- Bottle beer at 18.0 C with 137.1 gm of corn sugar.
4.0 Weeks Age for 4.0 Weeks at 18.0 C
1/11/2011 Sample and enjoy!