Help with Pick Up Tube

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Noob What Craps On A Bit
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Outer Eastern Suburbs
Hi folks,

I bought a ~120L kettle for an insane price a while back. As I've been thinking about getting it into my system build, Yob pointed out that the kettle outlet is nearly at the bottom of the kettle. It's a 1/2" outlet, male thread on the outside, and is welded on.

Because the outlet is so low I need to do some kind of pick up tube so I can raise the inlet hole, but the fact that the outlet is welded in has me stumped. How do I install a pick up tube, short of capping the welded outlet and putting in a weldless bulkhead? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I've only ever worked with weldless fittings.

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Madhu reckon the easiest and most economical solution is to simply cap it ...and locate hole elsewhere to desired height

If you used a 90 deg comp fitting and pointed it off to the side or up and to the side you could have your pickup at any height and location, I just happen to have such a comp fitting, some SS tube and tube bender in the bits box :D. Not sure when I'm into Melbourne, but I'm sure you and Yob, etc could convince me.
You could put a dam/weir on the inside instead of a pickup tube. A small amount of trub will its way as it typically always does, just discard the first few ml.

(dam indicated in red)
Actually I do like the dam idea but the way Blichman did it with bazooka screen protected by a fitted dam, I'm making one for the Urn (too many elements in the brauclone, there's no space).

Mardoo, if you take up my suggestion we could always make something similar up. From what I've read of guys that have built their own slightly large than Blichman's, is they are able to throw hops in naked, whirlpool, and plate chill without drama.
That's what I was thinking, but having 1/2" to begin with the best you could do would be a 12" female by 3/8" male reducing adapter, then as you said n87 a short piece of 3/8 threaded tube then another reducing bush to get back up to 1/2" then your dip tube. Would work for sure but would be a pain in the arse to pull apart for cleaning. Since its on the kettle you might get away with it?
Thanks for the ideas!

malt junkie, I was totally stoked when I thought of the elbow compression fitting solution last night, until I remember there is no threading on the inside of the pot, only the outside. Thanks for generously offering to build something up. I actually have all the bits and tools you mentioned as well, but the mountain ain't coming to Mohammed.

TheWiggman and malt junkie, I really like the dam/weir idea, and I have seen the older version of the Blichmann hop blocker and would love to get my hands on one of those. I could do Wiggman's bulkhead, but not the Blichmann, again from no inner threads. I HAVE contemplated the idea of a bung on the inside that the pickup tube would go into, but if that gets loose, PITA.

N87 and Curly79, that's an interesting fitting that I had contemplated the existence of, but couldn't find. Thanks for the link! I may have a go at that.

micbrew was kind enough to PM me a link for a trustworthy nearby SS welder. I might see whether they can take off the old fitting and run a fitting through the wall with 1/2" male on the outside and 1/2" female on the inside. In which case I might drop you a line malt junkie about getting that Blichmann-style dam made up. I heard they are the bomb.

Thanks for the suggestions so far. If anyone has any other I'm very interested to hear. Because you know, a solution you don't choose for one thing is often a solution for another. And sorry I forgot to specify no threads on the inside.
What about just an elbow pointing up on the inside
If you can't turn it maybe a ss barrel Union ??
Unfortunately there's no inside thread to attach anything to. I'm 90% decided to get a new fitting welded in.
Mardoo said:
Unfortunately there's no inside thread to attach anything to. I'm 90% decided to get a new fitting welded in.
Have you thought about a length of 1/2" copper pipe expanded with a swager or similar so it's a tight fit inside the outlet,then bend the other end to suit.

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