Help With First Extract

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hi guy

i am deciding on my first extract recipe. i like stong dark english ales and i unsure of what to do

i was thinking of doing a dark ale 23 ltrs batch wanting to get about 7% to 7.5% so can some one help refine a recipe for me

3 kgs of dry dark malt extract
500g of black malt grains steeped
500g of dextrose
500g of malto dextrin
30g of pride of ringwood pellets 60min boil
14g hallertauer hop pellets 15min oil
14g hallertauer hop pellets dry hopped

currently culturing coopers ale yeast but am thinking of buying a english ale yeast

so thats my current thoughts would appreciate any help from the pros on this site to help refine this recipe

oh i would like to make it quite a thick beer with a FG or 1012-1016
Hey going with the recipe at the moment you should end up with about 6.2% alc. IBU of about 29, an EBC of about 75 and a finishing gravity approx. at 17. This last value will of course depend on all sorts of variables, least of all your choice of yeast.

With all that black malt I would personally be tempted to decrease the amount (especially since your using dark dry malt) even better would be to replace it with choc malt or crystal. Since you're hoping for a higher alc and lower fg I would also replace some of the maltodextrin with extra dextrose.

Either way thats just my opinion, others will probably give you better advice than that. Hope it goes well.

Dave :)
i love maltodextin if i uses enough my beer makes me fel full & i don't have to eat
yer i second using a crystal malt instead of black malt u should get a dark beer with the dark extract anyway
thanks for the help

Dravid i think i will follow your sugestion and swap the black for some choc malt and maybe drope back the maltodextrin to 250 g just to lower my FG abit i want it closer to 12 than 16 but with a alc of 6.2 aprox it dose not seem to bad but with a ibu of 29 you say would this not fit into the bitter class of beers so do you think that i should lower my pride of ringwood alittle bit