Help! A Strange Thing Happened...

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After a couple of years absence from brewing, some spare time got me thinking about brewing again. So out came the fermenter, I found some cans of brew in the back of the cupboard and a simple stout was laid down to stock the fridge with. It feremented out just fine and was bottled.

Now, a couple more leftover cans of No Frills draught beckoned. But thinkking that they had been around for a while that the yeast may not be that active, I thought I might as well reuse the yeast from the Coopers stout I had just made. So i washed it a bit and tipped it into my other (sanitised) fermenter. Added the two cans and 500g of destrose, plus the two yeast satchets to 23l - OG 1055. Chucked in some coriander and lemon peel, plus some Saaz hops pellets from the fridge. Fermentation kicked off nicely within a few hours. Not a flash brew, but a quick and tasty fridge filler, I hope.

About 2am i was woken by a bang. Thinking it was the possum trap I had put up in the roof, I went back to sleep happy I had finally caught the miscreant marsupial who had been playing football up there for a while. However, on checking the trap in the morning, no possum, trap still open. Hmm.

Searching the house, I finally found the answer. During the night, the lid had exploded off my fermenter, and there was serious fermentation going on. Plus krausen "bits" up the wall, over the floor and on the cupdoards in my laundry. Bugger! Plus the FG is down to 1016 in less than 24hrs - that's fast.

So what happened? My guess is that the krausen frothed right up to the lid, clogged the airlock and blasted the lid off due to the rapid fermentation. At least i know the ferementer seals! Any other ideas? Ever had this happen?

My question is, given the lid was off for 5-6 hours, is my beer likely to have caught an infection? Should I just keep going and see what happens?
Comments welcome
Pictures, pictures :p

You might get lucky with it so keep it going I reckon.
Let it ride.....And yes pictures....
She'll be right mate. If worst come to worst and it tastes like utter crap at bottling time, bottle whatever you can be bothered bottling and write it off. Check it a month later and you could be surprised.

Another vote for pictures, this'll be a ripper.

- boingk
i'm guessing, a lot of yeast, high temperature and krausen filled and slowed flow through the airlock. even if you pitched at maybe 20C the fast ferment would have built up some considerable warmth, and 1055 is reasonably high sugar concentration = faster reaction. also was this an older style fermenter with push on lid or screw on? cos if push on, mightn't have actually required a lot of pressure build up to pop it off...
I thought I might as well reuse the yeast from the Coopers stout I had just made. So i washed it a bit and tipped it into my other (sanitised) fermenter. Added the two cans and 500g of destrose,

Everything alright........up to here

plus the two yeast satchets to 23l - OG 1055.


During the night, the lid had exploded off my fermenter, and there was serious fermentation going on. Plus krausen "bits" up the wall, over the floor and on the cupdoards in my laundry. Bugger! Plus the FG is down to 1016 in less than 24hrs - that's fast.

So what happened?

Nothing unexpected here!
Coopers ale yeast can be a ferocious bugger, especially at higher temperatures. Whenever I did a Coopers Toucan of any description - even using just one of the Coopers yeasts - I always put the fermenter in a baby bath because there was a big cleanup job on day 2.
The yeasts I use nowadays like Nottingham and US-05 are tame by comparison.
Thanks guys for the comments.

i guess i did get a bit over ambitious on the yeast! Yes it was a push on lid, and the current temps are up a bit due to the hot weather.

Sorry i didn't take any pics of my laundry. Guess i was just just a bit pissed off at the work ahead of me and my possibly wasted brew! Ah well, think positively - my laundry hasn't been cleaner in years!

Next time I'll just stick to the yeast in the fermenter only, or get back to using quality yeasts chosen for the particular job again.

I'll rack it in a day or two, perhaps chill it, then bottle it to see how it turns out.
So you used 2 packs of yeast as well as the slurry from the stout? What temp are you fermenting at?
So what happened? My guess is that the krausen frothed right up to the lid, clogged the airlock and blasted the lid off due to the rapid fermentation. At least i know the ferementer seals! Any other ideas? Ever had this happen?

I would say that is exactly what happened.

I use one of those pail type fermenters to bulk prime and always end up peeling the lid off a little because I get nervous its going to pop off.

The two sachets of yeast wouldn't have even got started by the time the coopers yeast had eaten all the fermentables. If there was even any viable cells in them.