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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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just joined a few days ago and have been lurking around. There is so much information on here about making beer i'm getting thirsty.

Theres a lot of info, no matter what or how you want to brew or how deep into the obsession you end up getting.

Its a great group of people too
And its a mighty slippery slope! you shall be AG brweing in no time.

Welcome aboard indeed. Cheers!
And its a mighty slippery slope! you shall be AG brweing in no time.

Welcome aboard indeed. Cheers!

i have a friend who i have helped a few times (olskoolsoulja) who does AG , i just don't think i would have the time to devote to that.

have been brewing on and off for 8 years(olskool and i actually did our first batch when we were 16 :rolleyes: )
at this stage i'm happy to fool around with extracts and maybe dabble with partials. There is so much gear , ingredients and information about beer making available now it is mind boggling. I enjoy hearty black ales the most but have recently acquired a fridge and thermostat and am keen to do some lagering with bocks in mind.
Dearest Warthog .

O... how time just flys by...

8 YEARS?????
Do you only start to count your brewing Pilgrimage from the time of your masculine move to KEGS! !

It has been the best part of 16 years since we pooled our smoking money (don't forget Russ ) together so that we could be sensible and buy the "All you need Home Brew kit" :huh: from K-Mart!

Sorry for drinking your bottles of Yeast! I may not have been Lucid :chug: (nice Beer apart from all
the sediment)

Ill be down next saturday
Cya Mate

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