Those beers were last night. Went to dinner at a random burger joint in Sedona... Which about 2 hours out of Phoenix.
Had a nano-brewery on site, so got sampler.
Beers weren't much to write home about, but just awesome to come across a brewery in pretty much the middle of nowhere.
1. Micro lite lager... Meh, tasted a little watery and had some DMS problems.
2. Lager... DMS fest
3. Heff that had a lemon in it. Tasted like lemon juice with a tiny amount of wheat yeast esters.
4. Pale Ale... Too bitter light body not remarkable.
5. Amber... Decent beer. Not a west coast amber, more along the lines of an English Bitter. Would have again.
6. Nut Brown Ale... Whilst there was no nuttiness to speak of was an enjoyable malty brown ale
7. Porter... Best beer of the lot, a little chocolate and plenty of coffee roastiness and toasted malt. Standout.