Anyone have any experience with the Haufbrau yeast strain? Drinking a couple of the Hefe, they're nicely restrained with balance of spice and banana, yet just a touch of vanilla. If there is a commercial strain, I'd use it - however, I've noted that this isn't widely publicised by the big yeast companies...
Is it worth saving the bottle dregs for a starter? I've kept the bottles (flamed and sealed) in case of a starter is plausible, but would prefer to use a commercial version and save the hassle if possible. I guess the keys - does anyone know if: i. this is a common strain? ii. do Haufbrau Haus bottle condition with a boring strain?
Many thanks!
Is it worth saving the bottle dregs for a starter? I've kept the bottles (flamed and sealed) in case of a starter is plausible, but would prefer to use a commercial version and save the hassle if possible. I guess the keys - does anyone know if: i. this is a common strain? ii. do Haufbrau Haus bottle condition with a boring strain?
Many thanks!