Hacked Email Account

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causer of chaos and mayhem
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Hey all just thought I'd post this here.
My hotmail account was hacked and as a result about a dozen emails were sent out. The bastards have changed my password and locked me out. If you received one of these emails please just delete it. I'm fine I haven't left the country nor have I been mugged. The wife has taken all Of my money though but all is normal
Cheers barls
I got an email like this from someone I didn't know. Gmail was all "We think this is dodgy". I agreed, and sent it to the spam folder.
Yep. Friend of mine got caught the same way. She did manage to get control of the account back though. You should be able to do a password reset.


Happens quite a bit, especially with Hotmail accounts. They got mine once but didn't reset my password, thankfully.
Currently waiting on the admin reset as they changed my secret question as well. The pricks
For web based email I reckon you can't beat Yahoo, I've been with them for 10 years, same passwd and get maybe ten spam messages a week?
The amount of spam you get generally depends on what you do with your email not who provides it. My Hotmail (which I've had for 8 or 9 years) gets maybe 2 spam emails a month and all of them are because of places I've bought stuff online. I get none of the penis enlargement/viagra emails (because they know its a waste of time! (...I'm broke)) because I don't fill in online forms, enter "competitions", etc with that account.

Regardless, if we're talking "best" web mail providers it is pretty much futile to suggest anyone does it better than gmail.
Mr Bum, you are hereby charged that on the 9th of July 2013 - exactly 50 years ago - you did write the following in an email.... Our search of the Google Server which occupies the entire minor planet of Ceres reveals that you did maliciously and fornicatively....
You will therefore be removed from this old folks home and taken to a place of Google's choosing where........................

**** Google

Good point, I really should get another account for when I fill in online forms complaining about the rat shit in the Dominos pizza etc. :)
Yahoo is full of hugs and puppies.
and immature gen Ys called Jaeyden or Trehnntt with very annoying avatars that makes you understand why Ivan Milat ended up the way he did. :ph34r:

just got one of the emails, i might reply all concerned & string them along a bit.

cheers Ross
Let me know if you get a reply. Hotmails being a pain not giving it back as they can't verify the account details. Might have to get the cyber crimes section of the Nsw police Involved
I got to admit for a second there I had thought I'd jumped up to your inner circle of friends, what with the emailing to me in tears from "London United Kingdom". Contacting me from the other side of the world for some emotional support.
Then I realised you saw there was no offer to bring me a bottle or two while you were there!
It was a big let down.
Sorry pete. Tell you what put a thousand in my account and I'll give you the rest of the keg of soured dark strong
ok peoples had a bit of a win, they have recognised that im the owner of the account but i think they have given the password reset email straight back to the hacker. what ******* idiots are running this place.

all it took was a bit of abuse in their feed back section well maybe 7 of the feedback sections.
now just to get that email
right just got it back, the stupid ******* linked to a separate account so i couldnt get a reset sent to me here is the address that he linked to
[email protected]
feel free to sign him up for all the spam and other crap you can find.
right just got it back, the stupid ******* linked to a separate account so i couldnt get a reset sent to me here is the address that he linked to
[email protected]
feel free to sign him up for all the spam and other crap you can find.

Given that that address is more than likely some other poor sucker's hacked account that might not be very nice.

Those guys never, ever use their real email address for anything.

My hotmail account got hacked heaps of times, even when I changed passwords often. It did get used for signing up to all sorts of crap in the early days though so I probably only have myself to blame. My mates kept complaining about the spam I was sending them. Signed up with gmail, issue sorted. So far.....