Ah yes........Grumpy`s infamous Forum
Plenty of would be smartarses came reeling out of there with a fat lip and a mugging they didn`t count on. :lol:
A great experience and forum in it`s day :icon_cheers:
Grumpy's didn't pull the plug on the forum on purpose.
The ISP (Chariot) decided that the website needed to go onto another server. They assured us that the forum would still work, but the translation may have got lost to and from Hindi. When it didn't as well as the shop software requiring an upgrade to work on their new server, despite heated arguments we weren't willing to pay for new software and installation when the ISP was at fault, we left it. Especially since the shop was now a separate entity to the restaurant and was going to move off site.
So thank you Steve for your patronage, and word of mouth recommendations.
As has been posted on here a few times, all our kits are still available and made fresh to order.
Still Brewing
There never was and never will be a forum to match it . :beer:
Remember the time........no, better not, don`t worry about it :lol:
I would also like to add that Brad has a post-graduate qualification in brewing science so you are unlikely to find a more knowledgeable HB show proprietor.
Ay Up Lad ,Them wur the days !!
Could anyone EVER forget Ray H and his infamous Soda-Stream carbonator..... :lol:
Could anyone EVER forget Ray H and his infamous Soda-Stream carbonator..... :lol:
There sure where some ratbags on that forum.....and, unfortunatly some complete d1*kheads