Are there any online beer shops that you recommend?
<Nor would the larger, legit importers get the cajones to go through months of negotiations with breweries overseas to secure distribution rights.>
Not sure I agree with that one. As for grey imports generally - I'm sure many breweries don't care and that wasn't the issue I raised initially. But I think when breweries do care you should respect their wishes.
The wider issue with grey imports is that often - and it is worst at the margins - the beers are already old when they get here because of the methods used to get them here. I don't think drinking a diverse range of spoiled beer is better than drinking a narrower range of good beer.
As for the parallel issue, I agree with you. I also want to add a list of legitimate distributors and their beers to the campaign because if you're going to buy imported beer that is the best chace you are going to have for better quality.
The good retailers buy good beer and educate their customers. They are the majority. The others do incredible damage to the industry.
I agree that we should probably avoid grey beers where there is an official importer instead or when the brewer has specifically asked us (Oz) not to buy them cos they are grey.
But I'm not certain that refridgerated shipping is the best excuse as to why we should only but from the official importers. I'd be interested to see how 'official' importers of Chimay (Beer Importers & Distributors), Franziskaner (German Beverage Imports), Shoefferhofer (Beach Avenue Wholesalers) or Weihenstephaner (Phoenix) actually do import their beers from Europe - whether or not official distributors actually ship them in refridgerated containers.
I have an inkling suspicion that they don't - cos none of them are shipped across the country in refridgerated trucks and most end up being a lot cheaper than equivalent quality craft brews from the US like Rogue (Innspire Dave - top bloke) that we know are shipped in cooled containers. And I bet that it really doesn't make too much difference 80% of the time.
I have taken delivery of Leffe Blonde, Carslberg Elephant and Hoegaarden Witbier from Fosters in the (recent) past when they have been loaded on to the back of an open-tray ute in the middle of a hot summer day - and this is the 'official' importer of these beers. I told them I would only take delivery early in the morning but who knows how they are treated before we (the consumer and the retailer) sees them?
And having drunk my fair share of official and unofficial imports (it's been pretty much all of Plonk's 800 beers) the vast majority of both have been unspoiled. Comparatively very few beers have been spoiled and I from my recollection they weren't predominately grey imports that were spoiled - I've had bad beers from both kinds of imports. So while I look for official importers where I can and will avoid purchasing grey imports where the brewer has asked Australia not to purchase I would probably continue to purchase from the importers (who are often both official and grey - at the same time) who I know and trust (like the ones above).
I agree that we should probably avoid grey beers where there is an official importer instead or when the brewer has specifically asked us (Oz) not to buy them cos they are grey.
But I'm not certain that refridgerated shipping is the best excuse as to why we should only but from the official importers. I'd be interested to see how 'official' importers of Chimay (Beer Importers & Distributors), Franziskaner (German Beverage Imports), Shoefferhofer (Beach Avenue Wholesalers) or Weihenstephaner (Phoenix) actually do import their beers from Europe - whether or not official distributors actually ship them in refridgerated containers.
I have an inkling suspicion that they don't - cos none of them are shipped across the country in refridgerated trucks and most end up being a lot cheaper than equivalent quality craft brews from the US like Rogue (Innspire Dave - top bloke) that we know are shipped in cooled containers. And I bet that it really doesn't make too much difference 80% of the time.
I have taken delivery of Leffe Blonde, Carslberg Elephant and Hoegaarden Witbier from Fosters in the (recent) past when they have been loaded on to the back of an open-tray ute in the middle of a hot summer day - and this is the 'official' importer of these beers. I told them I would only take delivery early in the morning but who knows how they are treated before we (the consumer and the retailer) sees them?
And having drunk my fair share of official and unofficial imports (it's been pretty much all of Plonk's 800 beers) the vast majority of both have been unspoiled. Comparatively very few beers have been spoiled and I from my recollection they weren't predominately grey imports that were spoiled - I've had bad beers from both kinds of imports. So while I look for official importers where I can and will avoid purchasing grey imports where the brewer has asked Australia not to purchase I would probably continue to purchase from the importers (who are often both official and grey - at the same time) who I know and trust (like the ones above).
You could put your life on the fact that they are not imported in refrigerated containers.
I just hate the lottery of buying imported beers. Try and new one for $10 a bottle and risk a sink pour.
Lets face it, in general, beer is delicate and doesn't travel well! Fresh is best.
You could put your life on the fact that they are not imported in refrigerated containers.
I just hate the lottery of buying imported beers. Try and new one for $10 a bottle and risk a sink pour.
Lets face it, in general, beer is delicate and doesn't travel well! Fresh is best.
You could put your life on the fact that they are not imported in refrigerated containers.