Grand Ridge - Up Yours!

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We certainly shouldn't be boycotting them (though I dont recall reading that in any of the previous posts, Bugwan), but they really should start by responding to complaints, and doing something about them. If experienced beer drinkers are picking up the taste of infection in a commercially available beer, then there is obviously a problem somewhere that needs to be dealt with, before the less educated drinker just thinks that all micro beer tastes like that, and is worth avoiding. As I said earlier, I have never had a bad bottle of moonshine or supershine, but, at $6 and $7.50 a 330mL bottle respectively, I shouldnt find any faults - that is Chimay prices :eek: Though still not in the RedOak league (soemthing like $75 for a 250mL bottle of their Grand Reserve).
I hope that if Grand Ridge does happen to read this thread, they will do themselves proud, and explain the situation (if they feel there is one) on here. Could go a long way in getting people back on side, IMO.
All the best
That being said I've never had their beer on tap close to the source. In my opinion the best way to try any micro products.

They have the Gippie Gold on tap at Mrs Parma's in Melbourne CBD if you're ever in the area. I tried it on a recent trip down there and must say it was better on tap than out of the bottle.

As I said earlier, I still enjoy some of their beers (particularly, Yarra Valley Gold and Moonshine), but there are definitely one or two in their lineup I wouldn't touch again.

Michael :)
I too am surprised that Grand Ridge are copping a pasting.

As some of the other folk have given good comments on, I too like the Gippsland Gold and moonshine.

Both are full of body and sweet malt flavour.
Hey bear09,

That just compounds my belief that Grand Ridge aren't worth wasting your money on - I once bought a mixed 6-pack of their "most highly awarded" beers, and not a single bottle was enjoyable (the "pilsner" tasted like vegemite) - and I bought the beers from them at the melbourne microbrewery showcase - so no questions about freshness there!

I just don't think there's room for underperforming microbreweries in the current quality-driven market.

Thats my 2c rant!

I bought one of those packs. In the review I start trying to find something good in it but end up admitting disappointment.
My wife stooped in at dan Murphy's at shellharbour on the weekend like the good wife always should and bought me some mixed beers at her choice. Ok so her choice was not to bad she likes all the pretty bottles so ended up with stuff i would not buy. All have been fair to good beers nothing out standing. UNTILL TONIGHT......

She bought a gippsland gold pale ale and it is really fu&keD up big time. I do like vegimite just not in my beer. Fisrt ever store bought beer i have tipped down the sink it was stuffed up big time. So as the major title in this page gos

GRAND RIDGE UP YOURS :angry: :angry: :angry:

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