Yes I know I have a MM2 !!
I meant finding a local fitter and turner to make a once off mill to your specs...
Yep that would work but after 2 brews I went for the truck windscreen wiper motor to drive my rolling pins
I have a 3 roller MM and so far the hardest part has been building a hopper and figuring out how to motorize it (drill vs pulley arangment). I havn't got it running yet so I can't comment on how well it works but if you are not very handy with tools (like me) you might need to factor in either getting a mate, or paying a fabrication shop, to knock up a hopper and motorize it for you. I almost went the marga mill due to the ease you could make a hopper for it.
I am trying to build my own hopper with MDF and its turing into a bit of a shitfight. I guess thats all part of the fun...
This website will help you calculate the dimensions of your hopper. It can be a PITA to try and figure out all the angles etc for a pyramidal hopper. This one even tell you the volume it will give you.
information that would have been handy before I started.... Guess i should do a bit more googling before starting these projects. Oh well...
I just ended up guestimating which has probibly made it harder then it should have been.
Yep that would work but after 2 brews I went for the truck windscreen wiper motor to drive my rolling pins
Hey JD you need a mega phone around here to get them to do anything
Kev Ive done about 15 brews now no probs 10amp power supply 12v
RPM = 120xfrequency
number of poles
not sure what type of motor universal series anyway I'll get back to you on that one
Mate it has worked real well took a while to sus my gap settings 1.4mm at 80% for easy lautering
Its not a fast crush but about 5 mins worth
In the end it cost me $65 but its not a mill master but it does the job & I can brew so Im happy