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manticle said:
For the record WEAL, I'm an anarcho-individualistic libertarian with optimistic nihilist tendencies and I thoroughly support anyone's right to be a racist arsehole in verbal or written communication.
The same communication can and should be used to rebut, rejoinder and debate all unintelligent behaviour. Communication, rather than legislation. It can also be used simply to remind some people of the racist arseholes they really are. The fact that Andrew Bolt somehow seems genuinely hurt when someone suggests he is a racist is almost as hilarious as the fact he believes his politics are moderate or only slightly right of centre. Legislation used against these kinds of people just provides excuses for martydom.

That said, I've not been a target of racial abuse. I might feel differently if I had been.
Could you enlarge on the unintelligent behavior, second time I have seen you use it in this thread and other threads, is it when someone doesn't agree with your views?
And I will say that legislation is necessary above communication, there are those who will make racist slurs and they have to be taken to task.
Andrew Bolt will never be hurt after saying something he believes in, and when one does that in the public arena one has to accept the outcry which might follow. We all have the right to free speech and I exercise my right when I say I am not particularly keen on Afrikaans, I don't like their accents or what they stand for, and just because there is a mass exodus from South Africa to Australia doesn't mean they will change their beliefs,in saying this it doesn't mean that I am going to go out and racially vilify them.
Our debate on this (or these subjects) is meaningless and pointless, it is just a bit of fun and should be entered into with light hearted banter, with no personal attacks, no sniping snide remarks, I have mentioned before my skin is thick and any criticism aimed at me will have no effect, it is others who post on this site and come under criticism who may not have the same resolve as myself who I feel for.
Re: unintelligent - I am referring to bigotry and prejudice which I regard as emotive, blind and irrational - thus unintelligent.

People very often disagree with me and many of them do so very intelligently.
Bribie G said:
**** is this thread still going
Round 3......

WEAL is up on points...... :lol: :ph34r:

and at one stage, many pages ago i unsubscribed. :lol:
You have to lighten up manticle, I have seen no evidence of bigatory or prejudice behavior in this thread, same thing happened in the Halal thread as well, to many people wanting to stand up and call racist, here is a part of the link I posted previously written by a very intelligent Aboriginal.

Of course, we have the regular roster of apologists come out, shaming the country and our society for cutting down a sports star who happens to have Aboriginal blood as part of his racial make-up. The caring, informed and sensitive city dwellers who, despite their alabaster skin tone and lack of racial diversity, can not only see, smell and hear racism, but tragically, are so deeply affected by it that they feel they must differentiate themselves from the white person next to them by pointing at them and screaming racist long enough and loud enough that somehow, somewhere in the midst of all their righteous shouting, their own skin tone will be forgotten or ignored.

One thing I’ve come to understand about our society is that often, those who see themselves as the most tolerant, educated and enlightened are usually most racist, close-minded of all. These types were the first to pick up their keyboard or a microphone and declare that speaking negatively about the so-called ‘war dance’ effort from Adam Goodes over the weekend means that we are culturally ignorant, yet in making such a claim, have themselves ignored an entire segment of the Aboriginal community, who are appalled at the ‘performance’. In wanting us to be a homogenous community capable of only thinking and feeling one way, therefore enabling them to have the correct information and be ‘right’, they are guilty of the same crime they are continually accusing an entire nation of – RACISM.
dicko said:
Round 3......

WEAL is up on RELEVANT POINTS :ph34r:
and at one stage, many pages ago i unsubscribed. :lol:
The ALP was created by the Union movement and is its political apparatus, despite what the spinners might want the man in the street to believe. Just as the LNP are the political ("lapdogs.. lickspittles..toadies.. lackies. get back down control yourself) apparatus of the business mogals. Both sides need to be assessed by the voter as to what they essentially stand for. Election policies are just a veneer. Murdoch muddies the waters of political analysis for the electorate and always has god bless him. I love this thread.
You can't just single out Murdoch, what about Fairfax and the ABC, though I could have fallen off my chair watching how the ABC cut up our Billy Shorten last night.
wide eyed and legless said:
You can't just single out Murdoch, what about Fairfax and the ABC, though I could have fallen off my chair watching how the ABC cut up our Billy Shorten last night.
Do you really think they cut him up? There wasn't anything new. Bill Shorten's history is well known and I would have thought judgements of his character had already been made. I didn't see anything last night that would change my views of the man.

technobabble66 said:
I gotta admit, Eric Abetz is one creepy guy. He really freaks me out.
Just such a truly average person whose only saving grace is also what makes him so scary - he clearly, fervently believes the zealous crap he is shovelling.
Australian politics will be better for the absence of extreme bias from people like him.
If he wasn't already creepy enough, they decided to interview him with light only on one side of his face. It made him look like Emperor Palpatine peering out from behind his cloak.
wide eyed and legless said:
You have to lighten up manticle, I have seen no evidence of bigatory or prejudice behavior in this thread, same thing happened in the Halal thread as well, to many people wanting to stand up and call racist
I'm at least as light hearted as you when discussing my thoughts and beliefs.

This thread has discussed racism and it's the behaviour and motivations itself I am referring to as unintelligent, not a specific poster in this thread. I don't actually find the tag 'racist' to be particularly useful unless followed up with some discussion and context. I wasn't calling you unintelligent if that's how you interpreted it.

You're discussing from your perspective, me from mine. We'll probably never agree but that's ok. I have no fear that anyone will stop me saying big black dick any time soon though unless I ask someone at work if they'd like to eat one.

And yes I read the article. Good to get another perspective from someone informed and intelligent on the topic although I have an opposition to much of what it states and suggests. All I stated was that there were racial motivations behind the booing. Pretty sure I didn't call anyone a racist who says otherwise.
Just saying I was surprised at the ABC which usually shows only left wing views put him down the way they did, I was expecting a positive view of Shorten from the ABC not in the negative.

I don't care if you were calling me unintelligent, my scholarly successes were abysmal, the way you wrote unintelligent behavior twice in this thread does seem like it was pointed to another poster.

Whatever we say is not going to influence anyone in Canberra, as I said before these debates are meaningless, pointless and just fun.
wide eyed and legless said:
You can't just single out Murdoch, what about Fairfax and the ABC, though I could have fallen off my chair watching how the ABC cut up our Billy Shorten last night.
You cant really put Fairfax and the ABC in the same league as Murdoch press rabble..

Sorry, but they are poles apart. Murdoch press are frothing at the mouth type gutter journalism
wide eyed and legless said:
Just saying I was surprised at the ABC which usually shows only left wing views put him down the way they did, I was expecting a positive view of Shorten from the ABC not in the negative.
You obviously dont realise just how partisan the ABC is. Yes the LNP froth at the mouth when the ABC has a go at them, but the silence is golden when they say nice things about the LNP
wide eyed and legless said:
Same league, different divisions, each put their own view forward except the Murdoch is a bit closer to the truth than Fairfax.
Now thats the funniest thing I have heard this year
The ABC believes that the ChAFTA is a negative move for Australia, even though Bob Carr says it should go ahead, then again the ABC and its followers also believe Harvey Norman really does give 2 years interest free

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