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manticle said:
If any bit of that penis gets in a box (not a fun box) it counts as a vote.
I think you actually have to put a number ...otherwise its classed as a defaced ballot paper

But I could be wrong

What makes a vote invalid?
The term 'informal' is used for votes which will not be counted because the ballot paper was filled out incorrectly. If you write your name on the ballot paper, it will not be counted. You are free to write comments, but the intention of your vote must be clear - so if you use ticks or crosses instead of numbers, or draw confusing diagrams, you vote will be disallowed.
warra48 said:
Not quite true, in fact.
It's more than half who are below the average, simply because the highly intelligent are often well above the average, and it takes a lot more of the below average numbnuts to balance that out.
There's your explanation of how the pollies get elected and largely get away with what they do.
Oh don't worry Warra, there are more than enough super below average numnuts to balance out the high intelligence above average population. In fact, it all averages out in the end....hahahahaha

With the size of the population, ie sample size, for a characteristic such as intelligence, say IQ, the distribution is very normal and so you'd have to have a large number of people with an IQ of seriously high range to affect the average significantly.
This guy says there are alternatives to voting for a lizard.

Lemon said:
Yes, a friend of mine says,
Remember half of the population have below average intelligence and we make them vote.
Well if we didn't let them vote, how the hell we would we get the entertainment value, if not the economic value, of a Labor Party never getting to be in the driving seat :)
Its sad that we have this lying autocratic mob in. There definatly is nthing funny about the LNP...
I wouldn't call Tony Abbott an autocrat, he just isn't strong enough, and your right stu there is nothing funny about the LNP just as there is nothing funny about the ALP, discounting of course Sam Dastyari, but look at the entertainment value you've had in the last 500+ posts.
Ducatiboy stu said:
I think you actually have to put a number ...otherwise its classed as a defaced ballot paper

But I could be wrong

What makes a vote invalid?
The term 'informal' is used for votes which will not be counted because the ballot paper was filled out incorrectly. If you write your name on the ballot paper, it will not be counted. You are free to write comments, but the intention of your vote must be clear - so if you use ticks or crosses instead of numbers, or draw confusing diagrams, you vote will be disallowed.
Glad I got that wrong
wide eyed and legless said:
I wouldn't call Tony Abbott an autocrat,
And so the famous "captains calls" he's made are what type of decision.
You honestly think he is backing down. He is playing the political field, but I doubt he will back down unless he knows its going to **** him up

Told his cabinet that if anyone crossed the floor over same sex marriage they would be sacked.

Doesnt sound like a man who is backing down to me
Tanya Plibersek also warned anyone who crossed the floor to vote with LNP would be sacked, doesn't make her an autocrat, they're not going to take them outside and have them shot
He might have some autocratic tendencies but he can't be described as an autocrat because our parliamentary system simply doesn't allow it. Autocracy is an absolute political system with no external arbritration. He's still a stupid, lizardman though.
He is autocratic within his party

And he tries damn hard to be that outside the party as well
wide eyed and legless said:
I agree with you contrarian it is much harder to succeed than someone who went to a private school and had family wealth behind them but it is those who are less privileged who have a greater will to succeed, and that will make all the difference. When you haven't had everything given to you on a plate you will work a lot harder.

Tony Liberatore was booed, especially by Richmond supporters, but I doubt it was anything to do with him being from Maltese stock, more about his actions on the ground, same as Kyrgios in Canada for his actions on the court.

I read this week that a man was fined in the UK, 280 pounds with 100 pounds compensation for calling an Irishman Paddy, I checked in the Oxford dictionary sure enough Paddy is no longer an affectionate word for Patrick but is now a racial slur, I expect it will be the same for Taffy and Jock.

Agree totally, the real question here is who actually determined that 'Paddy' is derogatory? That is the scary bit.
goomboogo said:
WEAL, do you believe the ALP of 2015 is a socialist organisation? It seems a very difficult proposition to argue when they ascribe to the same neo-liberal economic principles as the LNP. For that matter, the vast majority of governments around the world follow the same economic doctrine.
VERY ******* SCARY!!! And it will not matter which particular party in each of these govts. gains power as at the very heart of it none of them will have any real say in the direction we are being taken where financial policy and practice are concerned.
Ducatiboy stu said:
He is autocratic within his party

And he tries damn hard to be that outside the party as well
As I say - autocratic tendencies maybe and if our system allowed it, I'm sure he and many others would embrace it. To be honest I think both Howard and Rudd were probably worse. Tony is just a goose. Our system would need to be subverted or overthrown for true autocracy to govern, something I am actually grateful for.