Good Technique/bad Technique?

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Hi all, I need fellow brewers thoughts and suggestions on a technique I used a few weeks ago on a batch. Basically wound up with a lot of hop bits and pieces in the fermenter when it came time to bottle. I bulk prime so I use a hose to rack it into a water container. What I did to stop all the gungy hop junk getting into the priming container was get a piece of swisse voille, setilize it, then make a sack with it at the end of the hose which is held onto the hose by a rubber band. what this does is keeps all the gunk in the sack letting thru the premium unspoiled liquor through.

Worked great to get all the hoppy gunk out but does this oxigenate it too much at this bulk priming stage?
I've often done the same :) Just keep the end of the tube submerged in wort & you've no risk of oxidisation.

cheers Ross
I dunno,

cant see why it would oxygenate any/much more than just transferring with a hose. Maybe a bit more of a risk of infection what with the rubber band and fiddling about with the end of the hose etc. But I assume you were petty careful about it.

Sounds like something that would be great to avoid if you can, but that really isn't going to be much of an issue if you have to do it....

Maybe better to run it through the "filter bag" on the way into the fermentor rather than on the way out??

Just wanted to make sure as I've got the AG APA mini batch coming up in the next few days and will need to use this technique again as i just threw 10g cascade pellets straight into the fermenter (no bag) as a dry hop.
Hi all,

Some brewers use one of those filters that you get for fitting in line in a garden irrigation system.
They hav a 1/2" barb on the inlet and outlet and you can fit them easily into the tube that you are using for racking or bottling.
They are made of plastic and they are easily dismantled for cleaning.
You can sanitise them with any sanitiser that you would normally use.
They have a plastic filter inside which is designed to stop crud that is in water from blocking the small spray jets in a domestic garden irrigation system and these are fine to catch hop trub etc from your fermenter.
And your not touching the end of your racking hose. :)

I just use a stainless steel scrubby, after I give it a soak in iodophor. Seems to work.

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