Good Old Chips Or Crisps

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Hi All,

Thought I'd mention a few of my favorites that I love with beer.. See what others say as well..
As my pallet improves with experience at different brews etc this may change, but right now for the store bought chips you can get..

Kettle - Chilli Chips .. Harder to find these days - Superb Chilli hit without the overpowering 'hot mouth' effect.. These ROCK..
Red Rock Deli - Sweet Chilli and Sour Cream - Might be a bit sweet for some but go alright with a heavier beer..
Pringles - Chedder Cheese - Seem to go alright with any beer, they go quick, may be a bit bland for some..

Any fancy or imported chips that anyone enjoys?
Huh? Am I a snob for mentioning 'Store bought' chips and which ones rock with beer..? :unsure:
Alrighty then.. Being new,, I'll try to figure out how to remove this post..

I don't know what WarmBeer was instigating. However, I don't see anything wrong with this post either.

Personally I like Pringles, but once you pop -------------
Cheese and Bacon Balls go well with a Pilsner too
Huh? Am I a snob for mentioning 'Store bought' chips and which ones rock with beer..? :unsure:
Alrighty then.. Being new,, I'll try to figure out how to remove this post..
Nah, it's alright mate, just stirring ;)

If you're going to hang around here, you're going to need to HTFU a little. We're mostly good natured, but give a little sh!t from time to time.

Besides, everybody knows the perfect accompaniment to beer is pizza. But only if it's got anchovies...
Nah, it's alright mate, just stirring ;)

If you're going to hang around here, you're going to need to HTFU a little. We're mostly good natured, but give a little sh!t from time to time.

Besides, everybody knows the perfect accompaniment to beer is pizza. But only if it's got anchovies...

:lol: Haha.. No worries.. I am just a 'no idea' newby.. :rolleyes: Tall chilled Pint glass of HTFU being downed right now..
Cheese n Bacon Balls,, hmmmm,, reminds me of TOOBS for some reason.. Now there's an oldie..
Nah, it's alright mate, just stirring ;)

If you're going to hang around here, you're going to need to HTFU a little. We're mostly good natured, but give a little sh!t from time to time.

Besides, everybody knows the perfect accompaniment to beer is pizza. But only if it's got anchovies...

Merc's Pretzels are pretty good as well. They don't last long at all at my house.
Besides, everybody knows the perfect accompaniment to beer is pizza.

Re: people maybe needing to HDTF - perhaps your first post may have better worked in any of the numerous threads decrying the dreaded Nanny State?

Re: people maybe needing to HDTF - perhaps your first post may have better worked in any of the numerous threads decrying the dreaded Nanny State?


I hope we get to catch up for a beer some day soon....else I may get a bad reputation as becoming the first ever bumfanboi....and that's probably not a good look
Now there's a brush no-one wants to be tarred with.

Sounds good to me, schooey.
Red Rock has a Parmesan Chilli and Basil which is very good according to the last dinner party. It went very fast.

I'm a bit old school in tastes and am just as happy with pickled onions or gerkins, cheese and crackers or fresh baked bread.

Brewer Pete
chips are good but they pack on the weight fast. im a real savoury person so anything thats salty etc is great with beer. any flavour will do. althought the original smith tomato sauce flavour rocked. they arent as good anymore.

occationally ill make up from homemade chips(aka crisps) with cajun seasoning. awsome. no other word for it.

pringles also have an additive in them that inhibits the bodies signal from the stomach to the brain that its full. Thats why you cant stop eating them. there was a whole show on additives a a while back and they spend some time looking at this particular additive (and others), that get in 'junk' food. dont get me wrong im no tree higging hippy or food nazi, but i recion thats pretty wrong. briliant business but very poor social responsibility.
as much as i like spicy food... i'm not a real fan of eating something too spicy when having a beer... i find it kinda of dulls my palate a bit, so i like to have something that's fairly neutral. I'm with Brewer Pete... keep it simple, let the beer be the hero.
I can't go past a packet o' good ole pork crackling (but I have the physique of a greyhound) with an ale or two.
Plain old smiths original for me

but if i can get a good hand full of nuts I am usually happy chili cashews are a favorite
the poms do crisps very well, used to love a pkt of pickled onion monster munch or walkers cheese & onion crisps with a pint of pedigree :icon_chickcheers:
Now we are talking, im addicted to chips.

Current favorites are

Red Rock, Basil Parmesan Chilli
Red Rock, Grilled chorizo Caramelized Onion
Sprinters, Thin cut plain (aldi).

Go great with beer as any salty food generally does.
Another one here for plain old smiths crinckle cut, I do love the salt & vinegar though as well.
Kettle - Chilli Chips .. Harder to find these days - Superb Chilli hit without the overpowering 'hot mouth' effect.. These ROCK..

Yeah these were my favourite but they've recently stopped making them - They have a chilli and lime chip in their new varieties which are excellent.

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