So i went to the LHBS this afternoon, for reason I'd rather not elaborate on I left with kg of LDME a Kg of simpson's imperial malt, 100grms of cascade and some US-05.
Im thinking of going back to the Real Ale as my base and do Smurto's next. So here is what I intend:
250grm of imperial steeped for 30 mins at 65 degrees
Add 5 litres of water and 485 LDME bring to boil
30 min boil
@15 mins 20 grms Galaxy/ Cascade
@5 mins 20grms Cascade 20grms Galaxy
@ 0 mins 20 grms of Cascade
make up to 21 liters
Newtown Clown earlier posted that I would have an ABV of 4.3% However, the guy at the LHBS was adamant that it would be closer to 4.8% (which i would prefer).
Any suggestions? Is the Real Ale bitter at all? Would my suggested Hop profile result in a super bitter beer? or super hoppy fruit explosion?
Thanks for the help guys