Golden Ale questions questions

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Thanks for the advice guys! so once the boil is complete, I add the rest of the extracts with the boiled wort into the fermenter- top up to the 20lt mark, add yeast and robs your mums brother? (dry hop round day 3 or 4?) also I dont have a secondary, this i hope wont be an issue?
I find it easier to add the rest of the extracts to the large pot (after you have taken it off the heat once the 60 minutes is up) and to dissolve it in there. I reckon its easier to tell if its fully dissolved. other than that you are spot on.
You dont need a secondary. some people dont bother with them and get great results. You may notice a little less sediment in the bottles (racking to a secondary) but not a great deal.

Good luck, and don't stress too much ;)
So i went to the LHBS this afternoon, for reason I'd rather not elaborate on I left with kg of LDME a Kg of simpson's imperial malt, 100grms of cascade and some US-05.

Im thinking of going back to the Real Ale as my base and do Smurto's next. So here is what I intend:

250grm of imperial steeped for 30 mins at 65 degrees
Add 5 litres of water and 485 LDME bring to boil
30 min boil
@15 mins 20 grms Galaxy
@5 mins 20grms Cascade 20grms Galaxy
@ 0 mins 20 grms of Cascade

make up to 21 liters

Newtown Clown earlier posted that I would have an ABV of 4.3% However, the guy at the LHBS was adamant that it would be closer to 4.8% (which i would prefer).

Any suggestions? Is the Real Ale bitter at all? Would my suggested Hop profile result in a super bitter beer? or super hoppy fruit explosion?

Thanks for the help guys
I have read the thicker the wort the less bitterness extracted from the hops. Thats why if you can do a full wort boil you wont dilute the wort when adding water.
Elderfi said:
So i went to the LHBS this afternoon, for reason I'd rather not elaborate on I left with kg of LDME a Kg of simpson's imperial malt, 100grms of cascade and some US-05.

Im thinking of going back to the Real Ale as my base and do Smurto's next. So here is what I intend:

250grm of imperial steeped for 30 mins at 65 degrees
Add 5 litres of water and 485 LDME bring to boil
30 min boil
@15 mins 20 grms Galaxy/ Cascade
@5 mins 20grms Cascade 20grms Galaxy
@ 0 mins 20 grms of Cascade

make up to 21 liters

Newtown Clown earlier posted that I would have an ABV of 4.3% However, the guy at the LHBS was adamant that it would be closer to 4.8% (which i would prefer).

Any suggestions? Is the Real Ale bitter at all? Would my suggested Hop profile result in a super bitter beer? or super hoppy fruit explosion?

Thanks for the help guys

Any thoughts on the bold sections?
What extra fermentables are you adding to the base kit? If it's just the 485g of LDM then 4.3% sounds more on the money than 4.8%. Reading a bit about Imperial malt it sounds like a specialty malt that won't really contain much fermentable sugar.

Edit: nevermind, I went back and read the original post about adding 1kg of LDM. According to the K&E spreadsheet it should come out around 4.5-4.6% ABV.
Thanks! i put it all down tonight. everything went great was really enjoying this advancement into a more complicated brew. BUT low and behold i checked the temp guage on the side of the fermenter after i pitched the yeast and it read 34!!! ive put the barrel in the sink with some cold water... all i can think is ****! I feel like i felt when i did my first batch
its dropped to 28 now. Im guessing by morning it will be at room temp (18). Im reading alot about horrible esters occuring from this stupid mistake and i hope this doesnt happen.
It started fermentation this morning some time I was up at 7 and there was a little activity but not an aggresive full fermentation yet. the temp was sitting at 18 so im hoping everything will be ok!
all will be ok, it sounds like it dropped before the lag period was over.
I have just it down a brew using Coopers Sparkilng Ale

Recipe 46 litre

2x Thomas Coopers Sparkilng Ale
2x Coopers Wheat Malt cans
500 grams of LDME
@ 15 min 45 grams of Amarillo
@ 5 min 20 grams of Amarillo
Dry hop 30 grams Amarillo second day of active fermentation in primary,takes about a week and a bit to ferment but I like to leave it in for about 12 days!

Rack straight into keg cold crash and carb for 24 hours back off to serving pressure and condition for min 2 weeks!
It only gets better!

lovely drop!
So I tasted one today. Only been conditioning in the bottle for a week it's very sweet (malty) will this go if I leave it condition longer? It has the best head retention of all my brews so far cascade has left a lovely aroma but I can't get past the sweet malty taste I don't think they are fully carbed up yet either. Fg was 1014 when I bottled og was 1051 it brewed for 2 weeks and has been in the bottle for one
The yeast may not have finished eating all of the priming sugar yet, that can make it very sweet. Happened to me with a Yorkshire bitter, after two or three weeks the beer was flat and very sweet due to the cold winter temps. Put them somewhere a bit warmer and that sorted that out.

Give it some more time...
I hope this is the case. It makes sence though as it has only been in the bottle for about a week and the temp has been around 15-18 degrees. It is the first time I have used all malt in my brew so im just a little worried that is all
Relax, I'm sure it will be fine in another week or two.

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