Gift Idea?

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tangent said:
a dishwasher is an excellent idea!
or a case of 1L sparkling wine (big HB bottles :) )

Wine, she does a lot of whining maybe she will whine a lot less if she is drunk? I am not too sure even if she likes wine actually, I will have to ask her.

Doc said:
A gift voucher from the LHBS :p
Seriously though my wife is getting a sewing machine for Xmas.


That would come in handy but I don't think it will get used too much as she is always working. (at work & in the kitchen lol)

Darren said:
Don't go the kitchen products unless she has specifically asked for them.

Also certainly don't combine bathroom scales and knives.

The scales could go down bad and the knives are probably real sharp :eek:


Too funny Darren but I really think the bathroom scales would come in handy especially if they were graduated in grams I could weigh all my hops on them too!

But I don't think I would live long enough to use the scales for hops though!

jayse said:
You could get her a new vaccum cleaner and when she tells you her present sucks you can say yes dear thats what its meant to do. :lol:


Too funny jayse!

tangent said:
gift vouchers for BIG department stores are good
no matter what you decide, there'll be a certain amount of sh!t you'll be in

I am still toying with that idea, but she will never spend it just on herself she will buy stuff for both of us! So I might get her a voucher for lengerie (sp) something that it can't be spent on me at all!
A Body Shop voucher. If you don't have one then the local beauty shop and get some salt scrub, etc., given to her with some flowers, picked and arranged by yourself. Then take over the kitchen and cook her dinner for a change.

cemeteries are a good source of free fresh flowers ;)
(take the tag off first)
Maybe she needs a break from your kitchen...sounds a bit like it.

I suggest U buy a bottle of her fave perfume and get some flowers (buy, steal, pick, ..doesn't matter), and organise a meal out at a restaurant where they serve her fave food.

V. caring and U get a good feed too (+ no dishes!!)


Sometimes the best gifts cost nothing much except your time. Write out a voucher redeemable for a foot massage, and give it to her with a bottle of cheap massage oil. A peck on the cheek, and a reminder that it's redeemable any time - should be impressive.

Seth's 2 cents :p
My vote is for pampering (eg massage). Chicks dig that.

One thing about nurses - they are always on their feet. Get her a foot massage (or some kind of membership pack). Maybe vouchers at a good shoe store.

The trouble with vouchers is they are pretty boring to receive, whereas a massage parlour might be able to give her a monthly foot massage plus some bottles of goo in a basket to give her on the day.
I was in the same position as you. Same age GF and no ideas what to get her. After 4 years together i have bought her every bit of jewlery you can get twice so i just booked a overseas holiday. Keeps me in the good books for some time and i have now been told that after that trip i can get whatever hb gear i want argument free!

Only problem is that this now turns out to be pretty much my chrissy present to... <_< Might manage that better next time!

find out if she likes gold or silver - then buy a charm bracelet -
good thing about this is u just keep buying her a charm for xmas, valentines day etc etc - until it is full -

can get 10 years + out of this as a gift.
Go the pampering.

In the decade and a half I have been with my other half these are the presents she remembers the most
and cost me the least (no counting getaways).

Yep, day spa is always a good thing.. they don't cost a heap either, and you can have the majority of the day to brew while she is out.. it's a win win!

Oh, and after that.. might as well take her out to dinner.. to a place with nice beer.. :D

Or a bowling ball with your name on it... hehehe :D
A slab of lcpa,and matilda bay pils ,if she dont like u can drink it
How about a Vibrator (opps), I mean pleasure massager!

I got my Mrs one. she thought it was wierd at first, but it has grown on her. Actually, come to think of it, dont buy it. You will get Jealous
OK, it all depends on how long you've been seeing each other, really; I tend to step up my presents as the relationship goes on.

My last long term, for our 3 year anniversary I took her to this nice B&B in Birdwood, for an all-expenses-paid weekend (I think it cost about $400 all up), our last outing before we broke up (her birthday, about 4 months before the end :( ) I took her on a hot air balloon, watched the sun rise and had a champagne breakfast. Earlier presents included jewlery (necklace and ring), a teddy bear (as she had a collection; I think that was the first gift I gave her, for her birthday). I can't remember the other ones, it was a long relationship (from when I was 17 till I was 21)
Thanks for all the replies everybody, but I have come up with the perfect one just as I was reading through all the posts and the phone rang! Bloody phone never stops! Then a lightbulb appeared on top of my head (insert light buld emoticon) and she needs a new mobile! also probably a day at the massage/beauty/health spa, So I have decided!

Cheers Kramer!

PS I like the idea of a balloon ride of P & K's but with the wind around central QLD at the moment I would probably end up in the Simpson somewhere!

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