I was comfortable with my old kit - I knew boiloff rates, deadspace values, strike temperature water, etc. then I went and upgraded. Now I have to figure them all out again.
On the weekend, I boiled 47 litres for 90 minutes and wound up with 33L, which is near enough to a 30% boiloff/1.5hr rate. My question is, how do I calculate the boiloff %age for an hour? It can't be as simple as 2/3 of 30%, can it?
On the weekend, I boiled 47 litres for 90 minutes and wound up with 33L, which is near enough to a 30% boiloff/1.5hr rate. My question is, how do I calculate the boiloff %age for an hour? It can't be as simple as 2/3 of 30%, can it?