G'day All,
The big ploblem I find with making beer is it takes so long before you can try it to see if the changes you have made are good or bad!
I tried the first batch that I used hops in..........it was still quite young only 10days in the bottle. (cant help meself)
. Well what a big difference, the aroma hit me in the face and I could really taste the hops bitterness....in fact I after the second one I thought it was too much. It had a grassy taste that i had read about!
It got me thinking about dry hoping, I had just thrown in a plug on the rack and I remember reading about the GMK tea way and thought I would try it this way next time.
Anyway had another taste tonight its still only 21dys in the bottle but the hops have already mellowed.......its shaping up to be one of my best. Its interesting to taste the changes, even in a short period of time!
I think so far the best things I have done would be........
lower fermentation temp
use better yeast
use hops on the boil and dry hop
don't bottle to soon
don't drink too soon.......... :lol:
When I walk down into the garage I can hear the bottles tremble with fear!
any how just thought I would share some observations as I know there is always plenty of us newbees.
The big ploblem I find with making beer is it takes so long before you can try it to see if the changes you have made are good or bad!
I tried the first batch that I used hops in..........it was still quite young only 10days in the bottle. (cant help meself)
It got me thinking about dry hoping, I had just thrown in a plug on the rack and I remember reading about the GMK tea way and thought I would try it this way next time.
Anyway had another taste tonight its still only 21dys in the bottle but the hops have already mellowed.......its shaping up to be one of my best. Its interesting to taste the changes, even in a short period of time!
I think so far the best things I have done would be........
lower fermentation temp
use better yeast
use hops on the boil and dry hop
don't bottle to soon
don't drink too soon.......... :lol:
When I walk down into the garage I can hear the bottles tremble with fear!
any how just thought I would share some observations as I know there is always plenty of us newbees.