G'day from Launnie

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Hi guys... Just bought some brewing gear and about to launch into my new hobby of making beer. :D

Tassie is known for apples and hops. I moved back last year, and it's only just struck me that I'm surrounded by all the amazing ingredients that go into making beer and cider. I've brewed a few amazing batches of cider, and once my heating belts arrive that I ordered online, I'll crank up the home brews. Once I've got a few under my belt, I'm hoping to try partial mash and start playing with recipes. Keen to learn all i can to produce good brews. I've got modest expectations. Not expecting to be a master brewer over night. I'll be happy if I can produce something my mates and I consider drinkable.

Come hop harvest season, I may have to hop to it and hop some fences. ;)

Look forward to gleaning all I can from your posts in the forum, and contributing what i can.


Sounds like you have most of the traits of a obsessive brewer... you will be just fine here!

Welcome aboard.

Brew, learn, read, post and enjoy.

Gleaning is the easiest to do by posting and asking.

If you have *the space, hops are pretty easy to grow and rhizomes are traded / sold here often at the right time of year. You can't get them from interstate but a few people locally (to you) have them.

Cheers and best of luck

Welcome back mate! There are a few of us in launnie now.
You forgot to mention that we also grow great barley and wheat down here. And lucky for you there is a bloke right here in launnie getting into malting.
I'd highly recommend getting into BIAB. You don't need to spend big dollars (my setup was about $30) and the beer is much better.
I do it and a few of my mates do too. I'd be more than happy to show you one weekend and supply you with a bit of grain.
Cheers guys!

Awesome! I reckon I'd be mad not to take you up on that offer mate! Watched a few videos online showing some basic BIAB. Looks like something I'll have to give a go when we move. The place we're in now only has a tiny kitchen. :/

Is there a local brewing club here? Or even a local haunt or watering hole where fellow brewers hang? I'm usually hanging out at the Royal Oak, the Cock & Bull, or the Cider Bar.

Just cracked open one of my recent ciders. Crisp and fruity, balanced the sweetness so it isn't to dry... and at 8.7% she's a ripper brew.

Went to the library today and borrowed a few books - stoked I found this one called The Homebrewer's Garden. It has heaps of info from growing ingredients to DIY malting barley on the cheap. :D

Also started rewatching Oz & James Drink to Britain. Freaking keen to try making Whiskey now... as well as do a big pub crawl around the UK.

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