Just a little heads up from experience.
I have 2 x 23jet Mongolian burners on my brew stand & 1 x 32jet Mongolian on it's own stand & can tell you that a low pressure regulator is all you need & it is what they are designed to run.
Make sure too that you somehow make your burner height adjustable. I am a little pissed that I mounted mine a fraction high & if I open up the ball valve too much, I get far too much stray flame spilling out the sides of my HLT & boil kettle ( both 50lt keggles ) As my gas lines are hard plumbed, I cannot move mine down without some serious modification to the stand & would need to get the gas lines re-plumbed, stuff that. I am now contemplating replacing half the 23jets on each burner with bolts to concentrate the flame. A tad longer to boil & to reach strike temps but that's what's happening for now.