Funky Fermentation Fridge (the Bad Kind)

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Big John

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So I've setup my 50 year old fridge with a fridgemate and am now happily using it for 18 degree fermentation.

Cos it is a bit old it does condensate inside - recently (after coming back from a holiday) I found funky mold all over the inside of the fridge AND my fermentor :eek:

I've sprayed with my standard sanitizer but am struggling to get into the hard to reach places (like above the freezer compartment)

How do others blast their fermentation fridge to ensure all the mold & nasties DIE ??



I think we all sort of suffer this problem.

I would personally like it if there was a chemical we could use that stops things growing in a fridge but isn't so harsh that it'll get into your fermenter and do bad things.
I've sprayed with my standard sanitizer but am struggling to get into the hard to reach places (like above the freezer compartment)

How do others blast their fermentation fridge to ensure all the mold & nasties DIE ??



Sand blasting?
Garden hose? :)

Okay I'll stop...
can you get a stick with a cloth/sponge at the end...?looks like you can even remove the freezer? that would be good...then give it a good clean and back in she goes....
Use an acid (not that kind of acid). Diluted white vinegar or a citric acid solution.
As Nick said, white vinegar with some water. Throw it in a spray bottle and spray the effected area.

Been a couple of threads in the past, if you google search mould and fermenting fridge you should get a couple of hits.
I've been spraying the inside with Ajax Spray and Wipe for a while now. Haven't seen any mould growing in ages, but I keep spraying just to be sure.
I usually give mine a spray with that Sanitise no rinse before I drop a fermenter in.. seems to have kept the mould away

So I've setup my 50 year old fridge with a fridgemate and am now happily using it for 18 degree fermentation.



Same as mine....
My ferment fridge has outlasted 3 serving fridges....(they don't build them like they used too...)
Mould...well the airlock (whoops..should i say that...that will be a question , i'm sure) has always bubbled for the most i'm guessing POSITIVE gas action...which means the mould can't in....
(my wife just said...i wish you'd show me as much attention as u show that web site )
Same as mine....
My ferment fridge has outlasted 3 serving fridges....(they don't build them like they used too...)
Mould...well the airlock (whoops..should i say that...that will be a question , i'm sure) has always bubbled for the most i'm guessing POSITIVE gas action...which means the mould can't in....
(my wife just said...i wish you'd show me as much attention as u show that web site )

Yes, love the old fridge - not too sure about how economical it is.
One of these days I'll get a electricity meter and measure it's usage over a week - could be interesting to see how much juice it is using.

Thanks for the ideas. I'll definitely try the white vinegar.

I'm confident that it has not infected the beer, but since I started homebrewing I do like to keep everything clean


(I wish my wife gave me as much attention as I give this site... :lol: )
Yes, love the old fridge - not too sure about how economical it is.
One of these days I'll get a electricity meter and measure it's usage over a week - could be interesting to see how much juice it is using.

Thanks for the ideas. I'll definitely try the white vinegar.

I'm confident that it has not infected the beer, but since I started homebrewing I do like to keep everything clean


(I wish my wife gave me as much attention as I give this site... :lol: )

My newly setup fermenting fridge is exactly 50 y.o. this year too. A real bargain off of evilbay!!

Just so happens that I have a electricity meter hooked up to it right now (one of the inline jobbies from jaycar)

At 18 degrees where mine is currently sitting, two week ale ferment, you might be loking at approx 3-4 dollars to run (at the very most). Like I said, thats at the most and depends on a few variables, however seems like a small cost to me to produce consistent tasting beers all year round ;)



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