Fu^&en Hot!

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Old Thunder brewery
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So im sitting here in my house, wishing i had a pool, and i thought to myself " i wonder how hot it is?. Then i remembered i have a thermometer calibrated in 1c incriments. Got it out of the brewing cupboard, and its 32c, in my fu*(ing house!!. Normally, when its hot, we can open doors and windows and get a cool breeze, but not today, i think the breeze is just as hot if not hotter. Makes me wish i had a pool. Although the beach is only a 10 minute drive, our 3 week old girl couldn't really enjoy it, so i guess i'll just sit here and roast!!. Lucky were getting an air con for chrissie!!. Oh well, a mate is due over soon, so we'll have a few cold beers.mmmmmm cold beer!!
i'd be down the beach with an esky and a six pack!
just got out my thermometer - 33 inside, 43.5 outside! jesus. better get some saisons going
I'm in an office and the air conditioning is barely keeping up.
Just been checking the RSS feed from my shed and the temp there is 38.5 DegC. That means it is at least another 5+ DegC hotter outside.
A warm one. Luckily there was some rain last night so I hope my hop plants survive.


44 out here at Macarthur. Even too hot to go swimming. Just sitting inside with the AC going flat out.

Its 20 deg in Perth.... & I had the heater on last night
Whats going on!
42 at Baulkham Hills and 36 inside the house when I got home.
35 in my house.. there is just a stinking hot wind blowing!
Glad I have both my brews in fermenting fridges :D
Asher said:
Its 20 deg in Perth.... & I had the heater on last night
Whats going on!

I dont know, but I thought about putting a heater on two fermenters full of New Years Eve swill to get them to ferment out in time, which just isnt right in Perth in December!
22 here so im suprised u guys getting the hotter weahter for once but monday it gonna be hot here so more lager to be drunk
was there a mass migration to the top end over night or something ???

damn thats hotter then darwin at the moment
42 when driving home here today. TGF Air Conditioning!!
36 in the living room, 38 on the balcony. roll on the storms. :p
We had over 45 service calls today from cooking computer rooms all over Sydney. If it keeps up then i'll be busy with the A/H pager this week.
I just got home from an awesome holiday in Broome with my girlfriend. The weather was so hot up there! It sucked coming back to Bunbury. When we got home it was cold and raining.

Anyone been to Diver's Tavern in Broome?
Glad i'm in a modernish house this year. I used to live in the old crapp house in Bardon - was always 5-10C hotter inside than out. And the year we hot 46C a couple of years back, i felt like dieing. Even the water out of the tap was hot.
42* here in the shade of the Verendah,32* in the house, but the brew room is a lovely 18*c....my beer loves me... :party:
Cold in perth, even a bit of rain....its my fault though, sorry sandgropers, i moved to a house with a pool this year, of course its going to be cold this summer!

Off to new zealand next week, maybe they will have some warm weather waiting for me....... <_<
Was about 36 here in forster yesterday (or was it the day before), an dhotter in the tin shed I call work! Only had one fermenter I couldnt fit in the fridge, and I dont think it was very happy. Its bottled now but. I went surfing in boardshorts for a few hours till my hands and feet went numb, that fixed the heat for a while! Looks like it will be a little milder today...

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