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FS (Bris): Hops... lots of hops - SOLD

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Hi all, I've exceeded my main hop freezer capacity so decided to do a cull of my hop stash. My first three or four years of brewing I was mostly doing US/AU hopped ales, whereas the last couple I've been brewing exclusively European styles, so now I've got a bunch of those AU and US hops which I'll probably never use. To make things simple I've decided that anything from my stash with a crop year of 2017 or earlier can go. Every hop on this list has been stored vacuum-sealed and frozen since purchase. Any opened packs were resealed (vacuum) and back in the freezer within about two minutes - I've always been pedantic about this. All purchased originally from one of Hoppy Days, Craftbrewer, Yob or Brewman's HopDealz, or BeerCo.

The full list is below, over $1k paid, mostly as crimes of opportunity while on special (I thought I was going to brew a lot more than I wound up doing).

If anyone wants to offer $250 it's yours immediately, otherwise I'll just see where any interest lies. Not looking to do minor splits out of this but may consider something along the lines of all the US hops, or all the Aussie hops or something like that if no-one wants to take the lot.


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