No, I'm not getting what you are saying. Also no need to be rude either. Let me clarify again for you.
Yes, I ferment with a lid and an airlock. If that is your question, then ask that question in plain English.
If the juice is simply pressed out of the fruit and then packaged, how could it have fermented out? It's 100% pure unprocessed juice. What I'm told from the juice supplier/importer is that in the packaging process all air/oxygen is removed but the Tetra pack product is not necessarily pasteurised. Hence my want to add the juice at flameout to pasteurise it to kill unwanted bacteria/yeast etc. The last thing I'd want is wild yeast getting in.
The straining is to ensure there are no foreign bodies etc. loose in the liquid. I have a mate who has worked in the food processing industry for many years and is always telling me about the weird things that are found in packaged food containers.
You may feel my method a little cautious - but I'd rather take these extra steps to ensure no infection and a waste of money. Yes I know some brewers say things like "just chuck in the juice/zest 3 days before bottling unpasteurised" etc. - and good luck to these folks. But I'd rather take a few more steps to ensure a better brew.
Finally, my methods in brewing with fruit have primarily been derived from the various readings of experienced commercial brewers who use fruit in brewing. If you chose not to follow these methods, then good luck to you - that's your choice.