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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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Let the voters be heard - perhaps the most significant election in Queensland in a Generation. Last time we had a Coalition State Government Bribie G looked like this, and heck wasn't I a babe. That's the point, time for a change:


<_< :)

PS I'm not a babe anymore, just "distinguished"

Yeah right
Good to see you are still wearing the same shirts Bribie.

I for one can not wait to see Bligh kicked out on her arse. The alternative is not a great one but it's an alternative. They (Q ALP)will be lucky to have ten seats.
Do we get all the assets she sold back when she is booted?
Since I got eligible to vote about 40 years ago I've been a rusted on Labor voter, but this time I'll trudge into the booth with head bowed because they just have to have a couple of terms in the wilderness to regroup, find new talent and find a new way. Sad to think this may not happen in my lifetime - <_<

Edit: ok I'm on a roll here - as a Pom I was accustomed in the UK to one party getting in , then chucked out, then the other party getting in for a spell and so on. Healthy democracy. However in QLD over the last few decades it's been a case of a party gets in, the opposition is relegated to meeting in a phone booth for a couple of terms, as happened to Labor in 1974 and to the Coalition when Beattie got in.

So not good democracy as the QLD government of either side of politics, with virtually no opposition, got arrogant and out of touch. Maybe one good thing that will come out of this approaching wipeout of the ALP in QLD is that, next time the ALP get in, the LNP will have good experienced members, by that stage, and even though they lose to a future re-invigorated ALP they will still be strong enough to provide a strong opposition rather than meeting in a maxi cab.
Good democracy.

End comments, off for a beer.
You've got it right Bribie , The key to a good government is a quality opposition. Until recently I have been a labor voter but not any more! As we all know most of the recent election campaigns have been based around slander and how bad the other party is, what ever happened to policy, actually what ever happened to at least pretending to keep election promises, baH. Although the greens and independents do have some good ideas, I would like to think my vote will count. I say this as my personal opinion and not as a troll.

Too long in power, too many talentless connected party hacks rising to the top, my local member nolan, who lives up the road is one of the most stupid arrogant people I've had the misfortune to meet. I'd rather vote for Mr Bean than QLD Labor. Bring on the carnage.

I get the whole need for a change etc but my local member (ALP) is fairly active around the place and seems like a top bloke. It would be sad for him to lose his job because the SS Labor ship is sinking.
I think SWMBO is going to vote LNP because their candidate looks like "a total babe". :unsure:
I think SWMBO is going to vote LNP because their candidate looks like "a total babe". :unsure:

Not having a go at your SWMBO Liam but this is a good argument for the abolition of compulsary voting.
Voting without compulsion is voting with a reason.
The Bligh government, and the few hard working local members, will be punished for their record and the fact they haven't got a viable plan for the future.
Good luck QLD, looking in from afar it seems the alternative government isn't all that much better than what you already have.
(Another disillusioned ALP supporter)
Not having a go at your SWMBO Liam but this is a good argument for the abolition of compulsary voting.
Voting without compulsion is voting with a reason.
haha. no offence taken, she said it as a joke.

Would you rather a system where special interest lobby groups and anti-everything religious groups have disproportionate political sway?

There is no "disgruntled and slightly apathetic citizens union".

At least compulsory voting forces people into the position of making a choice, even if the only thought process is a 5min "vote for the lesser of many evils" elimination while waiting in line.
Interesting to see the comments of former Labor voters and I speak from experience as one myself. One thing has changed with Labor over the years and that is the role of the professional political apparatchik. Uni........union job or union law firm.............selected for a seat then politics. That is why they are disconnected from the general population. No longer can the boilermaker, train driver or tradie get a seat. They no loner represent the average bloke. That is what has changed and that is why people like you and me feel this way...............admittedley I have felt this way for a few years. Until they flick these ******s who think they know best then they are doomed. The trouble is the people with the power to flick them are all cut from the same rug. Go figure.
Interesting to see the comments of former Labor voters and I speak from experience as one myself. One thing has changed with Labor over the years and that is the role of the professional political apparatchik. Uni........union job or union law firm.............selected for a seat then politics. That is why they are disconnected from the general population. No longer can the boilermaker, train driver or tradie get a seat. They no loner represent the average bloke. That is what has changed and that is why people like you and me feel this way...............admittedley I have felt this way for a few years. Until they flick these ******s who think they know best then they are doomed. The trouble is the people with the power to flick them are all cut from the same rug. Go figure.

Well said Rowy, they no longer represent the worker, they represent themselves for the party. IMO the unions have also lost touch with the worker which is a shame.
Well said Rowy, they no longer represent the worker, they represent themselves for the party. IMO the unions have also lost touch with the worker which is a shame.

I've been a member of various unions since I was 17yrs of age Brad and you are so much on the mark it's not funny. In fact it's so much not funny it nearly makes me cry!
Meh, we changed down here last year, be buggered if I can tell the difference.
Interesting to see the comments of former Labor voters and I speak from experience as one myself. One thing has changed with Labor over the years and that is the role of the professional political apparatchik. Uni........union job or union law firm.............selected for a seat then politics. That is why they are disconnected from the general population. No longer can the boilermaker, train driver or tradie get a seat. They no loner represent the average bloke. That is what has changed and that is why people like you and me feel this way...............admittedley I have felt this way for a few years. Until they flick these ******s who think they know best then they are doomed. The trouble is the people with the power to flick them are all cut from the same rug. Go figure.

Good call there Rowy, working mans party my arse.
People that can be happy about either choice in this election are pretty dumb imo.
Also watching with interest as Tassie is a complete basket case at the moment and getting worse. Tassie is about to become the "Greece" of Australia, dragging down all the other states.
There is no one in politics at the moment that I can find that I would be happy to vote for.
The noisy minorities seem to be hijacking the debates and drowning out the wishes of the silent majorities and all the parties are willing to sell their souls to remain in power.
I feel any party that remains in power for more than a couple of terms looses touch with the electorate and needs flushing out from time to time to get rid of the dead wood and remind them why they are there.
Well said Rowy, they no longer represent the worker, they represent themselves for the party. IMO the unions have also lost touch with the worker which is a shame.
the union is the worker, what I think is the worker has lost touch with the idea of union, more interested in what they get for themselves than what is good for the collective. I am a shop stewart in a strong union but I see it all the time, motivating people to get involved is very hard.

And for the record the labor party only pays lip service to the unions these days.

It's also very sad about the bias media these days, the telegraph in sydney publishes a whole lot of crap that people accept as truth.

oh and when the lid/nats get in expect all your services to be sold off, QLD distributors are still owned by the state but they will sell them off, if barry hadn't said that he wouldn't in the run up to the last election then nsw would be sold. Wait until the next election then they will do it.

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