Four Sleeps To The Anna-geddon

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having been involved with a union here and being brushed off by the union and lost out on a fuckload of entitlements because of there we don't give a **** attitude they can go and get ******. we are the second library in the state that i know of to have all members except the rep cancel there membership.

Anna bligh was just a money hungry whore. the toll roads where supossed to stop when they had paid for themselves but then the extra revenue coming in and said na not going to do that.

So glad to back in WA..... then barnett screwed me and my family over by increasing utilities because families are not paying enough and spending to much on recreation.... RIGHT not everyone earns big dollars. power went up by 60%... and then water and gas went up. SO LNP no chance next year. What sucks though my sitting member has been busted for poaching marron.... allegedly
Thats a shame fish, I'm very lucky to be involved with a union with active delegates that do their best for the rest of the union members. At my work I'm in a trade union but there is another union for the office workers, my union is active with regular delegates meetings and good communications between members and delegates, the other union you hardly hear of. As I said the workers are the union, if you have workers that believe in the union and have active members you have a strong union, if the workers are indifferent then the union will be weak.
i know i shouldn't bitter on unions but that particular union has a long running history of enjoying its fee's and not caring about a small part of its members.

WE got annoyed at the union as it was during agreement negotiations. the union contact who was looking after went on holidays and the replacement didn't really care about us. gave us 2 minutes of his time. So when the other guy came became the new agreement was signed and members on the high levels will not get a pay increase till all employees are on the same pay scale. lost the leave loading on sundays too. Haven't had a pay increase in 3 years...

My brothers are in the TWU. they have done well by them and looked after them. They helped get my brothers a good deal on a washing machine and a great deal on 300mm spotties from what was marlows.
Anna bligh was just a money hungry whore. the toll roads where supossed to stop when they had paid for themselves but then the extra revenue coming in and said na not going to do that.

I believe when they put QLD motorways up for sale (read toll collection) there was no interest from the private sector so they sold it to themselves for 3billion with a 40yr tolling franchise. Essentially they sold it to themselves to prop up their superannuation scheme and guess what, the tolls will be here for ever, paying their ******* super whether the road is paid off or not. Motorists are a ******* great cash cow. Funny thing is, polititians can't see how they havebecome lowlife scum in the eyes of society.
If only we had some quality opposition...!? <_<

Yes, it would be nice.

But somehow I don't think its going to matter next time.

I don't know what we have got left to sell to anywhere near cover Rann's mismanagement and corruption.
Quality opposition... the LNP ran Clive Palmers son in my electorate last election. I can't take that party seriously.
Do I have to do this!

The local LNP guy is seen as a racist thug. Haven't heard a peep out of the others as far as I can tell. One of them, dunno who, did circulate something bagging the LNP candidate. This is worse than in India, there, at a minimum, the MP will commit to spending their discretionary budget on something. Notwithstanding they are all thugs it makes it a little easier to decide who to vote for.

I suppose most of the long time qld voters have anger towards the Bligh govt.

I look and can't see a lot of why. Wages for a fair few things are higher in qld, there are more jobs than down south in many sectors, then again, the state is about 10 years behind in a lot of things. sure, throw labour out, but do I really relish ge thought of a LNP govt?? Aren't they the ones paying private cars to be parked with speed cameras in Victoria atm?! Money grabbing thugs.

Anyone know what the fines are used for? I might just be worthwhile...
Do I have to do this!

The local LNP guy is seen as a racist thug. Haven't heard a peep out of the others as far as I can tell. One of them, dunno who, did circulate something bagging the LNP candidate. This is worse than in India, there, at a minimum, the MP will commit to spending their discretionary budget on something. Notwithstanding they are all thugs it makes it a little easier to decide who to vote for.

I suppose most of the long time qld voters have anger towards the Bligh govt.

I look and can't see a lot of why. Wages for a fair few things are higher in qld, there are more jobs than down south in many sectors, then again, the state is about 10 years behind in a lot of things. sure, throw labour out, but do I really relish ge thought of a LNP govt?? Aren't they the ones paying private cars to be parked with speed cameras in Victoria atm?! Money grabbing thugs.

Anyone know what the fines are used for? I might just be worthwhile...

You don't have to vote, for about the last 3 QLD elections I just put a blank ballot in the box so to avoid getting fined, no dick and balls to brighten up the vote counters day or anything. Had a really good system where I'd take my bull terrier to the polling place thus getting ignored by all the how to vote card hander outerers, tie up the dog near the entry and sneak in avoiding any queues. Democracy in action. I really hope my electoral roll change form hit the right people as Id hate to cop a fine now for missing the chance to choose between giant douch and turd sandwich . FWIW I'll bet in 1-2 terms of LNP rule the major problems in the state still remain, but whats important is that under either party the people who really need help from a government will still be largely ignored.
be carefull of voting for sake of change and believing the other side cant be any worse. thats what happened in vic and now we have a gov that has wasted more money on looking into everything than the 2 previous labour govts combined. and the new longer waiting times in hospitals, cut backs in education and now talking of selling off the last remaining public assets in public hands. they promised to cut back speed cameras and have increased them, promised that nurses and police and teachers would be best paid in the nation and have reneged. not to mention spending on putting psos on train stations that is blowing out massively. yep change really has worked out well for us down here!
Do I have to do this!

The local LNP guy is seen as a racist thug. Haven't heard a peep out of the others as far as I can tell. One of them, dunno who, did circulate something bagging the LNP candidate. This is worse than in India, there, at a minimum, the MP will commit to spending their discretionary budget on something. Notwithstanding they are all thugs it makes it a little easier to decide who to vote for.

I suppose most of the long time qld voters have anger towards the Bligh govt.

I look and can't see a lot of why. Wages for a fair few things are higher in qld, there are more jobs than down south in many sectors, then again, the state is about 10 years behind in a lot of things. sure, throw labour out, but do I really relish ge thought of a LNP govt?? Aren't they the ones paying private cars to be parked with speed cameras in Victoria atm?! Money grabbing thugs.

Anyone know what the fines are used for? I might just be worthwhile...

Have you been living under a rock mate? We used to have the cheapest fuel and one of the cheapest rego rates, a great hospital system and the list goes on. Now take a look Labor have ruined everything they have touched. They have given us a fuel tax, highest rego in the country, one of the moste expensive public transport systems in the world. Wasted nearly 0.5 BILLION on the failed traverston dam. A BILLION on a desal plant that is rusting away, 200 MILLION on a water recycling plant that pours water into the brisbane river for god sake. The spent over 200 MILLION on the health paysystem debacle and none had been held accountable for any of this waste and you think an LNP government could be worse? They lied to the public about the asset sell offs prior to the last election and made it legal for polititians to lie in parliment and you think that the LNP could be worse? I'd rather vote for a group of highschool kids than the current state labor governement. Further, do you think labor don't rely on speeding fines up here? If they have provate companies running it, at least the coppers can be out arresting crims like they should be.
You don't have to vote, for about the last 3 QLD elections I just put a blank ballot in the box so to avoid getting fined, no dick and balls to brighten up the vote counters day or anything. Had a really good system where I'd take my bull terrier to the polling place thus getting ignored by all the how to vote card hander outerers, tie up the dog near the entry and sneak in avoiding any queues. Democracy in action. I really hope my electoral roll change form hit the right people as Id hate to cop a fine now for missing the chance to choose between giant douch and turd sandwich . FWIW I'll bet in 1-2 terms of LNP rule the major problems in the state still remain, but whats important is that under either party the people who really need help from a government will still be largely ignored.

I've never understood donkey voters.
It was almost inconceivable say 18 months ago that ALP would be routed in total Anna-geddon at the next election. However, they have been just gawping at gigantic mineral wealth otherwise largely asleep at the wheel; if not then over at the pawn broker then out spending hocked assets while completely rooting just about every major initiative and many more that were just fine, so there is an huge groundswell of dissatisfaction and much bitterness towards them which is being reflected at today's ballot boxes.
Now that the LNP is finally operating as a functional coalition and is not running a pair of largely mirrored candidates in just about every seat thereby splitting the conservative vote, they can't help but fall over the line by default, so it is a peculiar state of affairs today and leaves many wondering about their past strategies (not to mention absent policies).
While the coalition have largely ceased fighting with each other instead of presenting even a remotely united front, the vacuum of politics has spawned plenty of ugly whacko minor parties (where policies are too obnoxious even for the LNP) and Indies. The Greens, while sometimes considered as belonging in that looney party category, have been conspicuous by their absence in this recent campaign but I wonder if they may not nab a seat or two where majority blue collar voters feel i) state Labor is just too much on the nose, but also ii) deep opposition exists to conservative parties and iii) also the noxiousness of KAP. Unfortunately there is no upper house in Queensland, so the 'keep the bastards honest'- style notion that harks back to the Democrats at the federal level in the 80s and could perhaps stimulate some preferences for the Greens in an upper house if there was one, is unfortunately just not relevant.
I expect there is a little soul searching and introspection going on out there in some electorates, alternatively just a few hands being rubbed together in anticipation of today's result.
Mind you, I'm definitely no expert and could just be blowing it out my arse... :p
I've never understood donkey voters.
Why? If voting for either of the 2 L parties, I see I'm essentially voting for the same side of the same coin which ignores those who truly need help as there is no votes there (disabled, their carers, homeless, addicts, blackfellas, could make a long list here) to re-assure those who have the most comfortable standard of living that if they are not elected they will lose it all......Greens? Well I like some of their policies but have reservations about a similar amount......Independents? Never met one I've seen to be truly interested in representing the electorate they want to represent, but are in my mind looking for a new career.It doesn't help that the few I've met were lawyers. In fact I the last time I voted, I think I voted DLP after hearing their policy on trying to spread government agencies around SEQLD more, remove the amount of public servants who are forced to work in Brisbane's CBD (or something similar). Why should I vote for any one who I don't believe represents what I think is important? I don't understand people who are willing to make compromises with the people who make the laws which we are meant to live under (assuming you choose to obey them).
I can relate to donkey voters- if there's no candidate which adequately represents the values or principles of the voter then by all means, I feel it should be the individual's choice to do so and with a clear conscience. A donkey vote is still participating in the democratic process, although TBH I'm unsure how it stands technically as far as the law goes (INAL). Democracy is hardly democratic if forced to vote for at least one of the candidates. It also has echoes of the so- called Democratic Republics which suffer tyranny under a dictatorship or autocracy and are as such democratic in name only and electoral processes are largely aesthetic.
I myself was tempted to donkey vote today, but voting in support of the 'independent' Sex Party candidate got the better of me. B)
I don't understand people who are willing to make compromises with the people who make the laws which we are meant to live under (assuming you choose to obey them).
I don't think everyone is as fussy as you jlm. The majority of voters are going to be better off in their own individual way however minor it may be under one party or another or independant.
Can someone please explain something to me:

Unfortunately I'm not eligible to vote yet as I have been a bit slack with handing in my australisation paperwork.

But my wife went today, and as we have moved house recently she went to a different place than usual. Her voting paperwork however still ended up at the old address.
Anyway, she walks in, says her name, shows the old lady which one is her's on the list, shows no ID and no paperwork and then casts her vote.

If I understand this right she could now go to any other school in the area and do exactly the same. Yes, at the end of the day when they run everything through the computer they will see that she voted twice or even ten times, but by then it will be too late and no one would know which vote to deduct from the results.

She couldn't be fined for voting multiple times either as no one asked her for ID or any paperwork, so anyone could have voted in her name.
I could even go to vote, although not eligible, and just give my neighbours name or in fact any name that I can spy from the list that the friendly old lady has in front of her.

Please, someone tell me that I got something completely wrong here! Surely this can't be right?
She couldn't be fined for voting multiple times either as no one asked her for ID or any paperwork, so anyone could have voted in her name.
I could even go to vote, although not eligible, and just give my neighbours name or in fact any name that I can spy from the list that the friendly old lady has in front of her.

Please, someone tell me that I got something completely wrong here! Surely this can't be right?
That's also how it works in Victoria, I presume the Electoral Commission people run it the same all over the country.

Same as when they knock on your door to ask who lives there that can vote, no ID is asked for, just your name/details.
its because they know people hate voting, why would the do it twice :p
Can someone please explain something to me:

Unfortunately I'm not eligible to vote yet as I have been a bit slack with handing in my australisation paperwork.

But my wife went today, and as we have moved house recently she went to a different place than usual. Her voting paperwork however still ended up at the old address.
Anyway, she walks in, says her name, shows the old lady which one is her's on the list, shows no ID and no paperwork and then casts her vote.

If I understand this right she could now go to any other school in the area and do exactly the same. Yes, at the end of the day when they run everything through the computer they will see that she voted twice or even ten times, but by then it will be too late and no one would know which vote to deduct from the results.

She couldn't be fined for voting multiple times either as no one asked her for ID or any paperwork, so anyone could have voted in her name.
I could even go to vote, although not eligible, and just give my neighbours name or in fact any name that I can spy from the list that the friendly old lady has in front of her.

Please, someone tell me that I got something completely wrong here! Surely this can't be right?
Yep you are right Florian, since I have been of the age to vote I have said the same thing. When I was living in toowoomba I knew of a guy that would go and vote for his mates for the cost of a couple of pots at the local.
How does it work in germany?

I suppose you could call living in Victoria living under the rock. Tbh, coming out from under the rock isn't exactly doing wonders for the state atm.
Qld is quite a nanny state, but far less than Victoria atm and I like that about it here, so, well, yes - me being a recent blow-in does make me wonder what some of the fuss was about.
Also, I don't watch TV much, been far too busy earning a living through uni to do that so that'd explain why I'm not stuck on to what they did wrong over the last 20 years. I do see the issues around us up here a bit, I'd know a bit more if either party had some policies to talk of, reviewing the mailers from all that did come in I gathers that they all want to fix our schools, roads and healthcare etc... But that is what any government HAS to do. I didn't see an inkling of a plan behind their claims. That is what depresses me. I'm no crusted voter for any party, but going by my scant past experience I have some reservations about the Libs. I'd vote for them if they could demonstrate that they at least have some credible plan.

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