Four Sleeps To The Anna-geddon

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Yep you are right Florian, since I have been of the age to vote I have said the same thing. When I was living in toowoomba I knew of a guy that would go and vote for his mates for the cost of a couple of pots at the local.
How does it work in germany?

In India (yes, nobody asked), there is a thing called a voter ID card. Driving licenses issued by states were not considered reliable enough. You show that and then vote on an electronic box. The results are out super quick. There is no compulsary voting and no donkey votes.

Talking of driving licenses, my mates in Victoria could not believe that they issue laminated paper ones up here. He was positive even he could make a fake one. And someone that frequented my neighbour's house has had a fake one forever and hasn't bothered getting a real one at all!
How does it work in germany?

Firstly, voting is not compulsory in Germany.

Everyone who is eligible to vote gets a letter which serves as your permission to vote. You are also assigned to a specific voting location, which means you can only vote in that one place, so you can't just walk around the city and cast several votes.

On voting day you attend to the location and have to show ID and the letter you got in the mail. f you haven't got both you can't vote. They take the letter of you and cross your name of the list, so there is no way you can vote twice.

If you can't attend to the voting location for compelling reasons like sickness, work commitments or because you are overseas (like me), you can vote via mail. For this you need to send back the letter you got and sign a form, you then receive your voting material which includes and envelope for the voting card and another envelope to put the first one and the signed form in so your name can be separated from the voting card.
Obviously your name would not appear on the list on your designated voting location, so again, no chance to vote twice.

I'm just very surprised that people who are passionate about whatever party don't go around and vote 10 times. That would certainly be an easy way to get the numbers up. But what do we know, maybe that's already happening anyway.
Feels like having a nice big crap doesn't it :icon_chickcheers:

Good riddance to the left wing that eventually sucks states/countries dry because self absorb.... idiots. And tonights winner goes to the outgoing speech of Newmans adversary labor tosser, 'we will be remembered by our RECORD SPENDING IN JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING INCLUDING THE ENVIRONMENT'. Excuse me lady, but we are now in shitsville because of that school yard thinking. And she was so proud of that like it was her life achievement to **** up Queensland. They just don't get it even conceding defeat to a(bout) a 100 year never seen ass wiping. I think labors campaign will be studied for many a decade on how not to run a campaign from start to finish and to be honest it sums up Labor at its best. Get in and stay in at any cost.

My kegerator has never been used so much in one night watching the elections unfold.
This is not in response to any post in particular.

Here's what I think is absolutely hilarious about the average Australian's interpretation of politics: we all seem to think each State lives in isolation and the same with our nation and whatever happens within each is the fault the particular party in power. No. Parties react to forces external to said party. They do not set agendas. If things are **** it is because things are ****. If things are good we'll say things are **** because we're shallow, short-sighted, entitled, ignorant fuckwits and we should all stop pretending we have the right to an opinion because we DON'T UNDERSTAND THE FIRST THING ABOUT WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT WE JUST REPEAT THE HORRIBLE, REACTIONARY **** WE READ IN THE PAPER AND HEAR ON RIGHT-WING TALK-BACK RADIO.

Things are great in this country. You have no idea. Shut up.
Holy ****! Did anyone save that op-ed about me in the paper? I didn't hear about it.
Things are great in this country. You have no idea. Shut up....blar blar ....Auto fellatio... gulp gulp.... things are great....slurp slurp...

I agree now the LNP are in it will be great. Want a tissue?
This is not in response to any post in particular.

Here's what I think is absolutely hilarious about the average Australian's interpretation of politics: we all seem to think each State lives in isolation and the same with our nation and whatever happens within each is the fault the particular party in power. No. Parties react to forces external to said party. They do not set agendas. If things are **** it is because things are ****. If things are good we'll say things are **** because we're shallow, short-sighted, entitled, ignorant fuckwits and we should all stop pretending we have the right to an opinion because we DON'T UNDERSTAND THE FIRST THING ABOUT WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT WE JUST REPEAT THE HORRIBLE, REACTIONARY **** WE READ IN THE PAPER AND HEAR ON RIGHT-WING TALK-BACK RADIO.

Things are great in this country. You have no idea. Shut up.

I totally agree with you bum, Its amazing how many people I hear bagging out a policy that will actually benefit them, just because they read or heard some ******** in the mainstream media. When the vast majority of media is owned by just a handfull of people you have to ask yourself, is what I'm reading the truth or just spin, the classic example is in sydney leading up to the last election the telegraph was harping on about the price of electricity and making it sound like it was a NSW problem and it was the governments fault, these were all headline articles. About 3 weeks ago they published an article about how sydney low to medium power users actually pay less for electricity than melbourne (by just a little bit) and the main reason that melbourne's power bill are lower is because they use a lot more gas down there, now this article was about 1inch by 2in on page 6.
Another bit of ******** was a story about 'The new democracy foundation' said how they wanted to make the 'tough' decisions for the government about infrastructure spending and how the would get a round table of 100 selected 'ordinary' citizens' to help make the decisions. When you look at who started this crap and who is involved the picture starts to become clear, the boss of transfield started it and his buddy Nick greiner is there with him. Now the story didn't mention any involvement of transfield and made the idea sound great. I don't read the main papers anymore I actively search out the news and don't take anything at face value. Australian media is biased and sick.

Well Queensland is now officially a one party state. Labor look like only getting 9 seats at the most and that's not enough to be counted as an official opposition and will not be entitled to form a "Queensland Office of the Opposition" at Parliament House and get offices, perks etc.

Looks like they will comfortably be meeting in a maxi cab as I suggested in an earlier post :p

There won't be a Labor government in Queensland again in my lifetime - now to sort out the Queers, Blacks, Women and lower paid workers - you are now going to get what you truly deserve :lol:

Interesting times ahead.
Anna's just announced she's walking away from the train wreck - anna-hilated :p
We have very similar problems in the US conservatives blaming labor for supporting taxes.

Stuff us all. I come from a labor family. I AM FROM iRISH decent. My last name is Barnett. There are no Catholic Irish Barnetts left in Ireland. We either died from famine or moved out.

I support the working fella and the need to give a company a tax brdeak, but understand when a poor bastard can't get a break.
I have one of those kids that is so smart they will save the World. I can't get him health insurance after July( I'm not just bragging...He has tested as a frigging smart fugger)
We have very similar problems in the US conservatives blaming labor for supporting taxes.

Stuff us all. I come from a labor family. I AM FROM iRISH decent. My last name is Barnett. There are no Catholic Irish Barnetts left in Ireland. We either died from famine or moved out.

I support the working fella and the need to give a company a tax brdeak, but understand when a poor bastard can't get a break.
I have one of those kids that is so smart they will save the World. I can't get him health insurance after July( I'm not just bragging...He has tested as a frigging smart fugger)

So there aren't any Barnetts left in Ireland. Yes right, as if. So I work for a telephone company so I did a search in every Irish Phone book for Barnetts, to pass the time

Yup, only three in the whole of Ireland B) , probably the protestant wing. Onya Freezekat - see how we check you out to keep you on the straight and narrow :rolleyes:
Sorry about the famine victims, I'm English originally and can't imagine the horror of watching your family waste away while grain was being harvested and sent to England. Cnuts.


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